Defend the outpost quest is too hard, are you serious Orbus?

Hi. I bought the DLC for the game, and I’m pissed. I got to the “defend the outpost” quest WHICH IS WAY TOO HARD. It constantly resets. I’m a level 30 Rune mage, and I was playing with a level 30 scoundrel, and we can’t beat it. Do they expect us to have a big group of people that purchased the DLC? Honestly. It’s part of the main quest line, so you have to do it. It’s like they partially threw it together and sold it. I’m so frustrated.

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Plenty of us have been able to solo it, but if you need more help send me a message sometime tomorrow and I’ll hop on and help you through it.


I find paladin or musket good for those situations/the ms in general, maybe they them as they can heal/tank a lot of damage!

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if you cant beat it you should try asking some more people to help you out

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The unofficial discord is a good place to find others to help you out

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I would have set that at slight challenge. Obviously easier as a group so you don’t need to run back and forth, and if you want to do it with just a dps, I recommend enhanced finally aged concentrated healing potions.

Level 30 means 0 in this level scaled world. Weapon means everything. Also try out some potions if you find things hard.

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You need +gear and/or a larger group of friends to take with you.

A goodly portion of us have the DLC and are usually happy to help out.

Orbus is kind of designed to make you have to be social and make friends. :slight_smile:



I was about to report that before, because I think the quest is seriously bugged as soon as you play with a group. There are (sometimes) way too many mobs spawning and they nuke the npc in no time.
I failed this quest also whenever someone else was at the outpost, and heard it from another group of two players (+5 geared, so gear was not the issue :wink: ).

Soloing this quest, however, is not an issue, I did it with shaman and scoundrel (or musky, I forgot, but did it around 4 times on 2 chars, my alt is +0 geared).

So I would recommend to split-up for now and try solo when no-one’s around, not search an even bigger group (or a reaaall big group; but from what I saw there’s the risk of npcs being overrun due to exaggerated mob numbers).

And as others said, taking a potion might also help.

But the event should likely be looked at by devs, to better adapt it to groups with 2+ people.

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It’s just a agro question, every class has a aoe attack. Not much of a challenge if the npc could do it without you.

That’s the thing. The NPCs die off very quickly and it restarts.

Thank you! We’ll try it tomorrow.

I personally enjoyed this mission because it wasn’t just walk-through cheese like everything else. Took a handful of attempts w/ some strategy applied

I dot spread as a Mage and they died.
Tho I agree it is pretty hard … and that escort quest … had to go musky and stare at me feet shooting the entire quest.

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