Difficulty? Wha'ts going on


can someone explain to me why i can easily kill an impossible Boar in the Jungle quite easily even tanking a few hits as a Musketeer but can’t even tank one hit from an impossible cactus, tiger, rebel, spider, etc.? (While ALL healing orbs + turret are active.)
This is a little bit odd imo.

Kinda confused rn.

If I’m not mistaken the level of the desert is quite a bit higher than the jungle. The symbol above their head is based on their level in comparison to yours. So one impossible may be 3 levels above you but the next may be 8. Not sure if that answers your question though.

explain the cactus, doesn’t explain the tigers and soldiers in the same area as the boars…

Tigers have an opening attack that does a very considerable amount of damage. I’ve been one shot quite a few times by the tigers. The soldiers are higher level as well. Higher than the boars for sure.


The zone is kind of segmented into level groupings. The entire zone that is the Rainforest is good between levels 8-12 or so but going passed the Snake Battlefield is kind of the divide of the enemies as you begin to get green tiered gear at level 10.

Ohhh i see…

Yeah i got a new gun and shirt, both green tiered… So that means these mobs are above level 10?
Is there a Chart for this?
Which area are what levels and what they drop?

the game is pretty fresh, you will find almost nothing in the internet :slight_smile:
just explore the world, its the most fun in my opinion !

So the jungle is level 8-12. It’s best to assume the deeper into the zone you go, the higher level enemy. If you find you’re getting your butt kicked, find a party or back up to an easier area. Red difficulty symbols are usually a good match to solo, but the jungle has large packs of enemies that can be a real pain. (Red= about 1 level above you)

Yeah i never played anything with literally NO information on the internet lol.
I love this whole finding out stuff by yourself kinda gameplay but to know where i can go safe and not would still be helpful.
But i’ll find out :slight_smile:
Atleast i know that i can farm green gear on lvl 9 through the boars, which is honestly super amazing :smile:

Just a little FYI the color/Difficulty determines how much exp you will get.
Why I am saying this is because if you are level 8, and kill a level 12 that is a white/purple star that is the max exp you can get. Killing a level 16 will not give you more, oh and rares give 3*exp.

Rares? Shiny one? xD

Rares are the monsters with a blue band around their difficulty indicator. If you look in the back of your book you can see what every thing means(life the universe and everything).

Different classes are better at fighting different creatures. Musketeers are good at normal fights but have a hard time against Healers or creatures with burst damage. Warriors on the other hand are very strong against healers and creatures with burst damage as their shield and stun can counter both but are very weak against creatures with poison. Give and take.

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The Elite indicator?

There is a different indicator for bosses but for most you will just see a blue band around their difficulty. Bosses look like this. :skull_and_crossbones:

Yeah i know that from the pigman, that should be the elite indicator, guardians of the plains have that too, or these tongue creatures that spawn if you kill sheep

I need to ask again…
So i leveled from lvl 9 to 10 as Musketeer.
At level 9 the Hogs and Tigers in the Jungle were rated impossible (purple star). Now that i am level 10, they are rated difficult (red cross).
I was able to kill them when they were rated impossible but now that they are rated difficult i can’t kill them anymore. Same area, same hogs and tigers but now i have better gear… I really don’t get it.

You’re likely tired or it’s different mobs after all, groups are often mixed like level 8-11 hogs in one place. With better gear you can’t die as fast, and being a higher level you do more dmg and got more hp. And the main thing is how you deal with the initial charge attack (tiger; I use shield orb for that one) and AOE (hogs; just move out asap), both can oneshot you, avoiding this is much more important than the actual level - the hogs don’t deal any much dmg apart from their AOE so they are easy even if higher above.
And if you die often then I’d not go for reds but same level, leveling is quicker this way than to run back and forth and your dram increase from the shards of double gear instead of paying for repairs all the time.

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