Does anyone else hate it when

Anyone else hate it when you are queued up for a dungeon and open your menu to check something…

Then as you click to close your menu, nothing happens, but you hear a sound…
And you realized that you declined the matchmaking because it popped as you clicked…

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Does anyone else hate it when you run around in a raid and instantly accept a party invite of another group because you have your hand forward running away in the heat of moment from a group of mobs.

Or when you decline your roll while running forward?

Or when someone send you a party invite or friend request menu that overlaps your roll so you have to accept or decline both at the same time. xD


Or when you accept your roll when you don’t mean to because you were trying to move at the time.

Or when you go to grab your journal and the page changes because your hand brushed against an icon.

Even worse: when you get a party invite, friend request, fellowship invite, and a roll all at the same time. You know, just in case you wanted a brand new chance to become glitched.

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No negatives please :upside_down_face: oops i mean yes positives please

Does anyone else find it really tiggles your jiggles when the battlegrounds ends but you get to stay in for longer.

Or does it butter your parsnips when you die but still get to run around as if your alive?

Or even does it cool your cucumber when a low level player randomly comes to help you kill mobs during grinding?


Does anyone else hate it when you get a party invite without warning cough @Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeshka cough

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Further proof that I show no mercy when it comes to unwanted party invites. I will delete anybody.

I really appreciated that mishka. Almost 100 15s later I thought we’d have some kind of friendship.

We do… it just doesn’t show on the friends list :smiley:

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Yeah mishka it’s just a… “visual bug”

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