DPS parser for ingame use

I would like to see a way to see DPS real time. This could be done in settings, by turning on and off a DPS logger.

I am on Oculus Quest 2 and have no way to parse this data aside from buying a high end gaming computer and linking to it.

It would seem like a lot to ask for all data be kept for each player at all times, but it seems like it would be doable if you were able to turn the function on when testing a new rotation or are in a dungeon and turn it off for overworld play.

I would think that your DPS could be displayed on or near your wepon or maybe displayed in the overhead.

This game is based on the amount of damage you can do to an enemy for the most part. It would be nice to have an in-game way to see how you are progressing.

We already get feedback on damage for each shot. It might be able to take a sample over the last maybe 30 seconds and display damage over time for that dataset using first in last out input.

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I am on Oculus Quest 2 and have no way to parse this data aside from buying a high end gaming computer and linking to it.

You can ask someone who plays on pc to parse you.


Why would I bother another player constantly when it probably is an easy add to the game in general? Wouldn’t you like to see real time how you are doing? I hear lots of boasting about DPS. I hit for a bit of damage too. I would like to see if what I think is working is in fact working without bothering someone else.

Have it turn on and off in settings so you don’t have to have it up. It seems intuitive in a game that relies on DPS for victory, that players be able to get that information without an additional piece of technology or bothering someone else.


Parsers are a trickery subject. In addition the issue for quest is damage numbers are not saved in a log (I assume for performance reasons) it would be a drain on preformance to save those numbers as well as calculate dps

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Also, performance wise it takes very very litte to add damage done by a player to a variable along with a start timer to calculate dps (damage done / current time in seconds - start time in seconds) and then show it on the hud, and reset this variable and start time when certain criteria is met.

In fact, i would - as a former developer myself - postulate that something as simple as this could be implemented by a dev in a single day without much trouble, including an interface with a few tweakables like reset time (reset on out of combat, reset after number of seconds etc).

A feature like this could also be much further developed, as history has shown it to be in a multitude of variations across mmorpgs for the past 25 years. As much in the spirit of informing as in the spirit of friendly competition (and a way to easier measure dps class balance as well).


Not having this function in the game to me seems counterintuitive.

Its all part in making the quest run smoothly.

I guess I’m really just unclear as to why a log file would severely affect the quest’s performance.

In my mind it is also a feature ingame with an option to enable or disable just like class specific graphics. It seems to be the same concept as keeping runemage and other graphics on can severely effect performance but is left up to the individual to decide.

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The game would not need a log file for this, and it wouldn’t affect performance on the quest (neither 1 or 2), as the operation is so simple.

Let me add a fictive example to clarify how this could happen:

  • the game client fires the in-combat event

  • the game client stores in-combat start time. How this is stored can vary depending on language/engine etc, but usually it is or can be converted to a number of seconds from a fixed date. In javascript, a newly instantiated date object set to the time it is invoked represents milliseconds since 1 January 1970 UTC. In C# you would probably use the DateTime object which can be directly subtracted by another DateTime object, returning a TimeSpan object which can then be used to derive the seconds elapsed. In C++ you would derive time from C and manipulate it similarly.

  • Every time the player causes damage, this would also be added to a variable specifically for dps calculation

  • Every n time, f ex every second, combat start time would be subtracted from current time and converted into seconds elapsed.

  • Dps would then be calculated by taking the stored damage variable and dividing it by seconds elapsed

  • The dps HUD would then be called to update the number

  • Once the criteria of combat end is met, the damage variable would reset and the date objects of whichever kind be unallocated or just overwritten on next use

  • Rinse and repeat. Super simple operations requiring next to no resources at all

  • A settings UI would be included to customize the dps display in a number of ways, f ex update interval, reset conditions, positioning/looks, number formatting etc.

Simple example of flow:

  • combat start, start time = 8761234 seconds (or a fully fledged date - doesnt matter for the example). Damage variable = 0.
  • player does 6000 damage, this is added to the damage variable which now reads 6000.
  • 1 second goes by invoking the dps display update. Dps would then be 6000/(8761235-8761234) = 6000 and displayed in the dps hud.
  • 1 more second goes by, again invoking the dps display update. Dps would then be 6000/(8761236-8761234) = 3000 and displayed in the dps hud.
  • player does 30.000 damage which is added to the damage variable which now reads 36.000.
  • on the next second tick, the dps display update is invoked once again. Dps would then be 36000/(8761237-8761234) = 12.000 and displayed in the dps hud.
  • … and so on and so forth until combat end criteria selected in the options are met at which point it all resets until started again.

You might think once a second update is a lot, but it really is not. Remember that since Orbus is a VR game, most of us actually get updates (optimally) 90+ times a second. The operations are super basic and requires virtually 0 resources.


That was super clear and right on target on what I was hoping to have initiated. I hope the dev’s can see the value in this function as I think it would make clear if your rotation and any changes you are working on is/ are producing the expected results. It would also possibly give any external parsers a uniform format to grab data from so one parser doesn’t give different results compared to another.

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For external parsers, this would require the data to be logged in a file though.

Don’t the external parsers pull data realtime?

I doubt it, but if they do (get real time data that is), it probably also involves reading an open stream to a file.

Most other notable mmorpgs have a logging feature with which you upload the log file after the session to get it parsed and analyze, whereas ingame features (sometimes built in, sometimes addons) parse data realtime via scripting (usually LUA) for viewing in the game itself.

I think part of the reason the devs haven’t added a dps parser in-game is that they have always been hesitant to even make that data available due to possibility of bullying or dps-gating. They only added the combat log with the advent of Reborn. It was never a thing in old Orbus. I believe the log was intended to be a compromise - make the data available, but not easily accessed from within the game. :woman_shrugging:

I do believe part of the reason logs aren’t available on the Quest is either related to performance issues or read/write access. The quest also doesn’t produce a error log, if I remember correctly, which actually can cause issues for the devs. Why not add the routines for log creation when it makes their job harder unless there is a very good reason? :woman_shrugging:


It would be fine with me if they just want to put it in the hud and not keep the data long term. I would just like to be able to see what makes a difference and what is not. In DPD format.

It has been suggested that the DPS parsing has been turned off by the dev’s to guard against player exclusion and ridicule for less than optimum ability. This thought is counter intuitive at this point because If you are playing tethered to a gaming computer you can see real time what any player near you is doing for DPS. So this policy if true is pointless.

The only thing it is doing is keeping players from seeing what their DPS is currently and working to get their numbers up through practice.

Can we use some common sense here and give a player a solid? We want a DPS parser. Can you give us one please?


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