Dungeon Shards should be weightless

Dungeon Shards should be weightless so people can carry them, where they are needed - in your inventory, not in the playerhouse chest. At the same time you should get a new shard from normal dungeons even if you got shards on you already.

This would solve 2 very big issues:

  • Coordination. Every time we consider what shards to do people are looking at their player house chest, discussing. Then we take a selection with us, alas that one mine we actually wanted to do was forgotten, or you get a bad drop and want to do something different of a higher level. Or you ran outta time and want to do something lower. Or someone drops out. Or, or… so people need to run back all the time, getting new shards or look what they have, sometimes wasting potion time.
    Plus those hosting shards and taking a bigger selection with them need to sacrifice blue weight. All these issues are overly annoying - the simple solution is to have weight 0 on shards so most can carry these with them. Also most got more space in inventory than needed, so you could finally order shards with spaces in between etc. without sacrificing chest inventory.

  • Storage Issues. 2-3 tabs of my chest are right now full with high level shards. It is utterly unfair that those who lead guilds or who are organizing groups, who play lots and run with all levels are punished for that because there’s no room for shards.
    As I brought up often in the beginning of Reborn a sh1tload of items were added without adding more space. That was over a year ago. I ran out back then already and had to stop numerous game activities like dragon breeding. The bandaid of using furniture chests for mounts, mats etc. which most fall back to now is not available for me since they broke. And seriously, even if they worked, players shouldn’t be forced to run around between a bazillion small chests, abuse the ah return tab and what not, just because the chest which is intended for storing - the new chests were meant for furniture after all - is obviously not sufficient. Tabs or any other storage solution should’ve been added long, long, ago, specially for those who spent money on the ingame shop and played all features since the OG. I got a plentitude of items which are not even tradable and I’d hate to delete those.

Now with the dlc up and still no more storage space I seriously feel fooled, slowly. I mean I paid for this, got all the extra items like mounts, pets, dyes and what not, however if I wanna keep those the next activity I already stopped is leveling shards. No space. And this finally detriments group play, alot.

However, if development resources are scarce, setting dungeon shards to weight 0 and lifting the restriction for getting new ones would be an effective bandaid for storage issues AND it would be a huge QOL improvement for groups who run shards. Since noone has to run back and figure all the time what he got or not, but carries them right where and when they are needed, at dungeons.


Blue weight gang thanks you for your contribution towards making the world a better place

No thank you! I keep one in my inventory at all times to stop myself getting more, I don’t want to have to delete it everytime like I have to do with the key from mines - can we get it so if you have that key already in your inventory it doesn’t drop again like how shards are currently?

This has been broke from the start for you and while you don’t want to depend on it, it does clear up a lot of space and makes your house look so much better so maybe the Dev Dudes can take another look at getting your furniture chests fixed again @Mathieu_D


Well… I did not think about us (I do same right now), but about those who still wanna get new, which is likely the majority. If you need to transfer, like, half or a full tab of shards back to a chest every time you wanna get a new shard, the solution would be pointless; so this double-change is a must imo. And would make shard-farming for newer players more fun, since they also don’t have to think about storing shards all the time in between dungeons.

We already have to delete/sell a ton of stuff after normal dungeons, so doing it also with this 1 shard (or the key) doesn’t bother me that much, though the change for the key likely makes sense, also because people tend to delete the original one too, at times, being so used to deletion of everything key-like after that dungeon :wink:

I have to agree. With the large amount of items, and the large amount of items that do not stack, my chests are full to the brim with stuff i just cant throw away. As a dragon breeder with misc stock saved for the day im gonna need it, this is horrendous and we need more chest space, space that isnt locked behind a paywall too.

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The devs added getting a single shard only to discourage people from hoarding 3 tabs of shards like you did :joy: i still think you need to either distribute them to other players (less active I know, but you have too many now) or just start deleting them.

0 weight for them would be nice though :ok_hand:


A nice solution to fixing storage would be to add another chest that is shared between the characters on the account, this would make it easy and safe to trade between main and alt, or family members that share the account but only have 1 headset and also give us more space to work with

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I had that discussion elsewhere, look at abc channel for details. First, I am not “hoarding” my shards are separated by dividers (potions etc.). And my personal inventory is full of gear, mounts and 0-weights already. So this change would free 2 tabs, at max, for me, but better than nothing. I could drop off mounts and get closer to blue-weight despite broken chests. Second, if you tank all our Mines and what not, we would not need that many, very true. The bs shards pile up, which no-one, including you, really wants to do if there’s an alternative, yet they are too high to just delete.

We run with different-skilled groups and shards are piling up at the point where you constantly start over because the group is not up to do the next level/mutation/dungeon. So you either go to fail or go for success with a different shard, which most are out for when playing, saving the higher stuff for groups capable and willing to do them.
Also we do potion runs, regularly, that is where even levels 1-3 come in. And why should players be forced to drop potion runs or delete low shards right after just because of inventory restrictions?

And btw I am not talking about my personal problem and slowly tired of that approach, sorry. I’m not asking for storage tipps or to change our playstyle or this and that (because I did already, up to the point that I think about quitting!!!). We had this discussion many times already. I still don’t get how they keep adding items, but not storage.
This is not only about me, numerous people got same issue - some quit activities other than dungeons long ago, cuz of ya know, where to store all that stuff - plus I don’t see anyone of those who don’t have the issue (partly because they use workarounds never meant for that btw…) would be hurt by this change; or by adding more tabs, finally; that’s still the best solution.

Also that is not ALL about storage. Shards are misplaced in the house, imo. That everyone has to run back to the house to see what everyone got is a major pia for coordinating, especially if you don’t want one person to pile them up for overview, as it happens naturally.

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