Dungeons feel too easy

With how death is handled in dungeons, it makes it feel too easy. There’s no penalty for dying, no durability lost, etc. When you die you can immediately respawn, run back to the group, and possibly be back in the fight before a wipe. I think it would make it a lot more challenging if it was changed so that no one can respawn while anyone in the party is still in combat, and if the whole party wipes then the dungeon is reset.


Define"reset". Does the whole dungeon reset or just the mobs you last aggro’d?

:thinking: :neutral_face: :confused: :cry: :sob:

…and that’s all I have to say about that :no_mouth:


Yeah, I’ve never actually had a proper wipe in a dungeon since every time someone dies the rest can make it until they return. It doesn’t feel very satisfying to beat a boss when everyone died in the fight but just ran back. If they want to allow in-combat resurrection like some other mmos then that should be done as a spell or something with a well-balanced number of uses and perhaps difficulties in pulling off, not running back.

I don’t agree with resetting the whole dungeon though that’s crazy. Reset the health on bosses and maybe respawn a pack here and there.

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I was thinking the entire dungeon, as a penalty for the wipe. Perhaps it could just be the mobs in the immediate vicinity though. Thinking more like if there’s a pack of 5 guys with the boss, you kill those 5 before you die, and now a boss is easier type thing.

I’d be all for in combat resurrection, but it should still have the cooldown like it currently does, to prevent constant resurrects instead of a wipe.

Or you could have “checkpoints” in the dungeon. The dungeon is reset to the last checkpoint on wipes.

I think the boss room in particular should be locked when the boss is engaged, so that you cannot “run back” and continue the fight. This already happens in the Jungle Dungeon, we just didn’t implement it in the others yet. Then if you wipe the boss resets and the barrier drops. So at some point we will go back and add that in to the other dungeons as well.

Keep in mind that the leveling dungeons right now are “supposed” to be pretty easy. The new end-game dungeons will have mechanics that should make them more difficult. And I could definitely see us doing a shard dungeon mutation where if your whole party wipes trash mobs start respawning, but I don’t think I would be in favor of making that a typical feature of all dungeons in general.


That sounds good. I think my biggest complaint in general though is the instant revive while still in combat. Regardless if its a boss or not, it just makes it way too easy, even for the beginner dungeons. I remember the first time I did the level 8 dungeon and learned there was no penalty at all to death, I was majorly disappointed. I lost interest in dungeons after that for the most part.

Also, the plant boss in the jungle dungeon doesn’t do that, at least not the last time I ran it a week or two ago.

The locking felt weird anyways the first time I saw it. Seems kinda sci-fi ish, and would be a bit strange that all bosses do it, even though each boss is different. I just think not allowing you to respawn once dead makes more sense logically, and then wouldn’t require any locking of bosses.

The first time I did a dungeon i was level 5, I was in a group and we were all around 5 and 6. We managed to almost clear up to the boss because whenever we died we would either run back really fast orbkill at least one of the enemies whittling them down until we could pass. This strat worked up until the goblin guarding the bridge only reason why we didn’t continue was because our tank had to leave

I don’t think dungeons are too easy for them being the first few dungeons in the game, I think the dungeons themselves and when the player gets quests to go do them are not well paced and implemented. Plus the dungeons themselves aren’t spaced very well in a lot of ways.

Take for example, the first dungeon you get a quest to kill the dragon at the front right? But you get the quest for the other two bosses a bit later when you are well past that level.

Also the dragon is in the very first room which is why the graveyard respawning tactic is used often for low groups. And this is also because you can easily pull two groups in the beginning because the density of that room is packed.

And lets not forget that the boss is literally the second or first pull of that dungeon. Oh and should we talk about how that quest for the dragon doesn’t drop anything even though you expect the tooth to come from the kill, not the quest giver?

Honestly when designing MMOs, I would rather lean on making the first few dungeons learning dungeons. Easy/normal stuff with great rewards that help players get the feel of what dungeons are. You can always make dungeons harder, but you never want people to complain how hard the first few dungeons are before they gain more experience doing dungeons. I think the mechanics of the last bosses are great ways to learn and already challenging enough for most groups who are doing it for their first time.

I rather have people enjoy the game and get into it, you make more sales that way and retain more players that way. You can always challenge people later on when they are ready for it.


speaking of boss walls, so you know the third boss in the jng dungeons wall doesn’t go down after he dies so you have to kys to get back to the portal out.

We are aware of this issue and it is being tracked in our system. Thanks for reporting.

The difficulty, in my opinion, should be with the mobs. If it’s too many there to survive without a wipe, then reduce the number/level of them. I still stand by that it feels too easy when you can insta respawn, no penalty, and be back in the fight.

That’s beautiful. An excellent represent ion of the feelings.


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