Fireball 3 never used

After playing rune mage and grinding to level 20, I’ve come to realize that fireball 3 feels very pointless. When you learn to master frost 3 pretty consistently it just does so much more than fireball 3, and can cast much more quickly. Of course you could say fireball 3 is better damage, but then there is ice lance that does more dps then fireball 3. My suggestion?

Make a fire spell that can stack with fireball 3. give me a reason to use fireball 3 instead of frost 3.


find a way to make fireball 3 quicker to cast or launch faster so that people will choose it over ice lance.

I like the first option better because I feel most rune mages that have mastered the spells probably will not want to learn them again.

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Yeah, Fireball 3 being 4 lines and Frost 3 being 3 (sometimes 2) with Icelance also being just 2 lines makes it more worth while to go for the Frost + Ice Lance combo than anything else. I feel if Fireball 3 had some kind of effect to it like Burning (damage over time) then i would consider using it more often

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Yeah that would be useful. even if its a flat health damage it could be worth it to have someone casting fireball 3 instead of everyone casting ice lance. Fireball 3 just needs a purpose.

I was under the impression that fireball 3 did more damage than even ice lance on a frosty target. You can cast ice lance faster, but there’s a delay during/after the animation that prevents you from drawing again. In theory, you might be able to out dps ice lance with fireballs because of that.

I understand what your saying here, but in no situation I see fireball 3 out dpsing ice lance. Another factor is travel time of fireball 3. You have to wait for it to travel to its target, whereas ice lance is instant.

I mean you could draw another rune while fireball 3 slowly approaches the target it’s just harder to do that than it is to draw the ice lances

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