Game Launches, but doesn't?


So due to the game crashing on my computer I decided to try my wife’s gaming PC, which is around the same power as mine, exception being the video cards (she took my 680’s when I upgraded to a 980ti).

That said, we launched steamVR, which runs fine, and then launch Orbus, which loads, we can hear sounds, but it never actually “hooks” the game into the headset. I’m including a screenshot showing the mirrored mode and the game in the background. I’m at a loss of what to try.

What headset are you using? Do you have similar issues with other VR games, or just Orbus?

Sorry, should have posted specs:

HTC Vive, i5-4690k @ 3.5ghz, 8GB RAM, x2 GTX 680 Classifieds.

SteamVR runs fine; but I have been downloading a few other games in the background to try and test them out - will get back to you when they are finished

Okay figured it out - SLI doesn’t work had to plug both into the same card, it is now working.

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