Haptic feedback with fishing

I’m not sure if this is a bug, or just a change that’s happened when I wasn’t looking (I haven’t played consistently in about a year).

It used to be when you were fishing, you had vibration only in the fishing pole controller while reeling, but when a fish bit, you’d get feedback in both controllers. The feedback in the off-hand controller has gone away. I’ve tried turning the haptics both up and down using the in-game settings. I’ve also tried switching which hand holds the rod and it is consistently the off-hand that doesn’t vibrate. This has persisted through multiple relogs and reboots over the last week or two (but I haven’t played much since last year).

I’m currently using Index controllers with an original Vive headset, playing through SteamVR.

Bug or change? If it’s a change, can we please get the off-hand vibration back??? Pretty please? :pleading_face: It’s so much harder to feel a bite now. And half the time my bobber isn’t visible because it’s either under the surface of the water, or too far away to render, or I just can’t see where it landed.

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Until the devs change it (or don’t) you can just pull up repeatedly then stop when your line starts going red. Or if you pay close attention you’ll notice that when you get a bite your controller will vibrate more than when you haven’t so you can do that to. It’s not the best but at least you can get fish as efficiently.

Oh, I use both of those tricks already. I would not call them as efficient as the previous haptic feedback system :upside_down_face:

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