Hard Mode Foil Armor discussion

I do know ppl who use foil. Buuut, you can just transmogs the hardmode look of having foil away if you don’t like it. Sad that the gear doesn’t look a bit different but that is how it is.

Nobody will give AF about clearing hard mode if the gear looks bad and doesn’t allow them to show progression whilst feeling different…

This doesnt solve the problem that i stated above.

yea since there is no actual need for the slightly better gear stats, if ur motivation is the transmogs then why do hard mode at all

edit: rip lol 3 posts same time saying same thing

but maybe I don’t have it unlocked non-gold foil then it would be stupid to have to hope for a luck drop from normal mode or use tokens on it

my suggestion from the poll thread:

Using the same style on the Hard Mode Raid has been the plan since the beginning, which you can read about in our blog post: https://blog.orbusvr.com/reborn-dev-spotlight-end-game-content-and-post-launch-updates/

We decided to try using the gold foil to give a bit of differentiation to the gear, and also because we have received requests in the past from folks wanting access to the gold foil styles of some of the more rare gear (e.g. the reputation sets, etc.). As with anything, we’ll consider community feedback on this approach for next time, but the gear not having a new style shouldn’t really be a surprise at this point. With the transmog system you can choose to make it look differently of course if you’d rather dye it.

Honestly, regarding the Hard Mode Raid in general, this is content that only like 1% of the entire population of the game is going to see. We’re trying to find a balance between having limited resources which we want to use to impact the largest portion of the player base (with new content in the overworld, new features like inventory management that benefit everyone, etc), against creating content like this that, quite frankly, only a very small portion of the player base will even experience. So, bottom line, it’s extremely unlikely unless we are able to greatly expand the team/resources we have in the future that we would have time to create 8 full new styles just for the Hard Mode Raids.

So basically if the general consensus is that the gold foil is unwanted and you’d all rather just have the exact same style from the Normal Mode Raid with better stats, that’s fine…but there’s a reason why we made it very clear early on there would not be a new gear style for that raid.

There is a very cool and unique mount which you can get in the Raid if your primary driving incentive is to get a piece of gear that shows off your progress in the game.

I have no idea what you mean by this. We have a pair of knuckles controllers we have been testing this with, it seems to work fine now. But of course we’re always open to further feedback on any change that we make.


but by giving less incentives to do hard mode raids, u are making it so less people will experience it by making no one want to do it, with only the truly hardcore doing it just to do it actualy doing hard mode…
not to mention how as it stands now any incentive just too log on is needed, and by taking away incentive from a ready to go piece of content is in no way going to help out the player count which continues to fall

We’ll certainly monitor the number of folks that end up doing the Hard Mode Raid (just like we do with other content) and take that into consideration for future allocation of resources.

There are several new things we’ve been working on in the background already which as Robert mentioned in his post we’ll be sharing next week.

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I created a poll about the dye color. If people don’t like the reward from hard modes (the gear) then they are less likely to raid it. Changing the shiny color to something else like subtle purple or black is my recommendation for a quick fix… But of course you be the judge:

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so for hard mode u want the only incentive to do it to be off of only 1 boss, causing everyone who does do the raid for the one thing u put in to only skip through to the final boss, doing 1/5th of the actual raid

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In that thread we stated that we wanted the “extra flair” that we got from normal -> Hard in oldbus as it was disappointing going into expert mode and getting the same gear as in the hard mode:



I’m pretty certain we made that clear before, the different accent, extra spikes really did look and feel better than just the standard normal mode, now we are being told to transmog to normal mode if we don’t like foils?

I think you are misunderstanding the point of those threads, it wasn’t to get the foiled versions of the rep gear, it was to make the reputation continue past level 8 as people have multiple level 8 reputations now and there is still the lore quests that need to continue which are supposed to mainly reward rep which means those that have already gotten to level 8 rep get nothing, also that the main reason for doing weeklies is for the rep, you get the same exp as what you do for a daily mission (which you get 5 per day) so they aren’t worth turning in once you get level 8, sure, foiled versions are nice for some people but most people don’t like them

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My hardmode helm doesn’t fit my fat head


I mean the hands-down BEST armor is ingame already (look at Rickness! :joy: ), so whatever… #pickledcucumbertonandjägermeisterhelmetftw

my regular helmet doesnt fit my super skinny head

I think alot of us find this baffling and surprising. Part of the draw of the gear is the look. By making the gear look the same, but foiled you didn’t really meet any of the expectations the users had or wanted. I suspect most are thinking about all the other gear they are going to transmog too from this gear. I personally lost a lot of excitement about going for the HM gear myself. I wasn’t expecting drastically different gear looks, but I was expecting at least what we had in Preborn raids at the bare minimum. That gear got more and more epic looking.

All I can think is you missed the point of ricknesses posts a while back regarding the rep gear and having a path forward towards rewards there.


Heyyyy! Looking good

i feel it would not to be hard to do what you guys did with the gear last time, all you guys did is take what the gear already looked like and then add spikes and straps, but i feel this change made the gear look way cooler and worth grinding for
i understand your reasoning completely, its just incredibly underwhelming. like i said, a few things that make it stick out as being more epic looking is all it really needs, not foil.

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I do think taking the “it’ll be 1% of the population if at all” argument is an incorrect assumption. Eventually, the goal is that a larger percentage of the population will reach there and be able to obtain them, even if they don’t start off that way. Having the equipment look cooler, if that means adding spikes or adding more runic patterns or whatever, is important in driving that.

Personally, I don’t think many people will try if it’s just a cape, mount, and pet. Having cool gear makes people want to do stuff


I really dislike the foils. I normally transmog my stuff anyway but people do like to have that distension between the modes. Maybe a hard mode symble on the gear? That way you dont have to redesign but it’s still recognized.

This is very true. New players in the original would see people with full raid gear and aspire to get to that level. The ones that did reach the max level were already a part of the community because of how small the game is. That is a big reason that people kept playing. Sadly, all of the gear in this game looks similar, and with gold foils being obtainable to any low level, they could walk by someone with full HM raid gear and think that it’s nothing special. (Would rather just have the devs buy assets honestly. Then we would have new, cooler looking gear. I don’t think the community gives a f*** if the assets are purchased or not, as long as they look good)