Hard Mode Foil Armor discussion

i feel it would not to be hard to do what you guys did with the gear last time, all you guys did is take what the gear already looked like and then add spikes and straps, but i feel this change made the gear look way cooler and worth grinding for
i understand your reasoning completely, its just incredibly underwhelming. like i said, a few things that make it stick out as being more epic looking is all it really needs, not foil.

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I do think taking the “it’ll be 1% of the population if at all” argument is an incorrect assumption. Eventually, the goal is that a larger percentage of the population will reach there and be able to obtain them, even if they don’t start off that way. Having the equipment look cooler, if that means adding spikes or adding more runic patterns or whatever, is important in driving that.

Personally, I don’t think many people will try if it’s just a cape, mount, and pet. Having cool gear makes people want to do stuff


I really dislike the foils. I normally transmog my stuff anyway but people do like to have that distension between the modes. Maybe a hard mode symble on the gear? That way you dont have to redesign but it’s still recognized.

This is very true. New players in the original would see people with full raid gear and aspire to get to that level. The ones that did reach the max level were already a part of the community because of how small the game is. That is a big reason that people kept playing. Sadly, all of the gear in this game looks similar, and with gold foils being obtainable to any low level, they could walk by someone with full HM raid gear and think that it’s nothing special. (Would rather just have the devs buy assets honestly. Then we would have new, cooler looking gear. I don’t think the community gives a f*** if the assets are purchased or not, as long as they look good)

I know they’ve said in the past the reason purchased assets aren’t as good is because they aren’t as well optimized for this kind of game. Hence the reason old Orbus had such a performance problem. :woman_shrugging:

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it is pretty rare that different difficulty level gear has different looks. usually games only have one look per tier (content patch). in WoW, it was the same gear but with slightly better stats when you went to heroic/mythic. Wait for the next content patch for a new look with more spikes.

Was it? I remember very clearly that the tiers had slightly different colours and looks as they got higher. heroic vs mythic had different colourings on the armor.

one random example:

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one of the big drives for me to get better gear in old orbus when I started was actually just because it looked cooler and I saw people running around with it and though “I wanna look that cool”. in reborn tho that is pretty much completely gone as the gear seem to look worse and worse the higher the tier.

this is why proper gear progression is so important for keeping a player going and I think is one of the reasons so many people have stopped playing, just higher numbers is ok, but that initial dopamine rush of getting a new piece of gear quickly dies of when it looks worse than what you already had.


p r o g r e s s i o n — i n d i c a t o r s :3

Different colors yes, design no. (at least I don’t remember there being different designs ) We have dyes in this game though, so any color difference would be pointless.


maybe ill just listen to Riley and “transmog it to look like it isn’t garbage”

just got hardmode shoulders and I actually like the shape and stuff of it, I just wish it wasn’t gold foil. now I’ll have to try to get some normal mode ones so I can transmog the goldfoil away.

except with foil u cant see the dyes

the new armor in general looks horrible compared to the old orbus armor IMO, maybe make each class a style of armor that reflects how the old armor used to look. Iceing on the cake would be adding aborations (that don’t have a long distance agro range) that you must have pvp enabled to kill them :slight_smile:

Same 5head issue as Rickness


It is very understandable that you do not want to invest a lot of time in to creating crazy gear, when there are bigger issues that need to be dealt with.

A big problem with the foils is that they dont dye well, so it is harder to make your gear unique to you. If you made it so that the “gold filter” part of the foil (which tints any dye you put on it) wasnt there, and just left the shimmering effect in a neutral color like black, white, or grey, then people would still have the ability to customize. This would be a relatively quick solution.

In general, i believe that just allowing more color customization (3 colors maybe) in higher tier gear/legendaries would go a long way to satisfying our desire for cool unique gear, without an excessive amount of extra work for you guys… Ideally i would like a really cool 3d model… but ill settle for more color options.


That’s the point of rare, hard to obtain gear: everyone who sees you wearing it knows it’s top level gear and should want to try to get it too, but not many people get to have it.

The legendary overworld drops are 4 unique gears that only 0.01% of the playerbase is ever going to see. That 0.01% isn’t based nearly as much as hardmode gear is on dedication and skill, because of the anti-grind mechanics in place.

The 1% of the playerbase that plays hardmode raids also makes up a significant portion of the total hours played in orbus. These are some of the most active people in the game who are able to clear the raid.

Even if it’s just a small design enhancement/variation like in old hard raids, it would make a big difference. Gold foil covers up the dyes underneath and makes it hard to even see the details of the gear designs. A number of people in out party thought that it looked the same as all the “noob gear”, especially when all you can see is the gold.


I really like the foils but I dislike that there are two kinds and that the foils essentially cannot be dyed a different colour. Customization and personalization is key.
Also make shaman weapon visible. Thanks.

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Okay sooo as I said before I really really dislike foils. Both of them. I will never ever going to wear that. I will probably never understand what happened to this game.
In the old Game you started as a beginner got the first gear and looked like a newbie, then you got the first stuff and saw already progression. Later you went to the wilds and got more cool looking stuff. Tradu Mines and Shards came out (okay just dont let us talk about the first shard gear in oldbus that was ridiculous bad) and in the end the Raids. I WAS expecting a slightly difference between the gear like in oldbus. Right now theres also no ‘show off’ effect anymore. I’ve soo many Ppl asked wheres the mask from or the spiky musky stuff in the old game. It just looked cool and you saw the progression. Which was also a part of the 'old orbus magic’but all this is gone. Honestly at this point I only like the mission vendor rep gear. The rest looks like the same and is so unbelievable boring. I wouldnt even notice someone in hard/raid gear next to me.
Another example the Legendary weapons… do I need to say something about it? I dont think so.
Also I dont even want to talk about the capes too. Look like the old raid capes, from a white one to a super good looking one to the yellow nice expert Cape, and now just urgh, dont even want that at all. Same for WB capes btw.
Surprising good is the Horse Mount and the purple grinder Mount, who ever designed this, do more of that.
I kinda lost my motivation for raids, for what? For looking shit and just from +4 to +5? Weapon yeah but gear…


I agree with this, now I get a new peice of gear and I’m like, “ooh slightly better stats”
Or “ew, gold foil”