Hotfoot makes me sick

Can you lessen the damage from hotfoot, please?
There are players like myself that get nauseous from the slide locomotion and teleporting between shots still takes on damage. I’ve had to enable slide to get through some of the dungeons lately, but not without getting sick.


have you adjusted your rotation speed also try taking some ginger or motion sickness medicine or even talk breaks from time to time it gets back you will get use to it in no time

Damn, hadn’t thought about motion sickness with hot foot. Teleporting should work tho, pretty sure Scott does that on his mage. Tho I guess it would be difficult to do without loosing damage on ranger.

Other than that, I don’t think hot foot damage should be reduced. I would rather see some more options to help people with motion sickness, such as an option to have vignetting when you move, like we have for dragon racing.

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When I started the game, I also played only with teleport, so Hot Foot was practically impossible to play. It was one of the biggest motivations to start playing with slide.

It took 2 days, but I was able to get used to it pretty quickly once I tried. Just put down the headset for a bit once you get nauseous, and then go back in. Now I play for hours on end without having any issues!

done that, doesn’t help. still makes my stomach turn as soon as the sliding starts - in any game. i cant even play any kart vr games. even if damage isn’t reduced, perhaps slow the tick so that teleporting can be effective.

You can teleport only successfully with hotfoot.

Spent about 3 months with slide completely turned off, did many hotfoot shards in that time with no issue.

You just need to teleport more frequently.

Suggest you get a lower shard (that you are alright with breaking) and the solo it. Use that to find the teleport rhythm & frequency that works best for you.

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