How to log into my own account in game

How do I log out of my daughter’s account on my PC? We bought her her own copy of the game on Steam on her PC and I want to make my own character, but I can’t log out of her account on my PC, and she logged into her account on her PC. My copy was bought in the Oculus store.

So you’ll want to make two separate OrbusVR accounts. The let me know the emails (in a PM) of the existing account and I will make sure it’s unlinked. The next time you start up the game, you each log into your own OrbusVR account. And then you should be good to go.

Linked? I don’t understand why that would be. In all the other games we play, we can try out our accounts and characters on each other’s computers. Daughter has a Vive, and I have an Oculus. I can’t play on hers or her on mine? Or is it a bug that is being fixed?

Yes one purchase of the game = one OrbusVR account with up to two characters. When you login to the game the first time we link your Steam/Oculus store account to your OrbusVR account. You can link an Oculus copy and a Steam copy to the same OrbusVR account though if you want to play on the same one, but then you wouldn’t be able to play at the same time…

It might help if you just explain what it is you want the end result to be (e.g. you want to each have your own account and your own computer, and play together at the same time?) and then I can advise you how best to make sure that happens?


Hey! Me and a friend want to eventually play together, however, I’m the only one who has a VR headset so I bought the game for us to check everything out. He made an account and played first but now his info is stuck under my steam account. I’ve made this account and would like this account to be associated with my Steam. We were too hype to think this through. Is there a way you could help us out as well? Thanks!

Yeah just PM me the email of your friend’s account and I will unlink it so that you can login on your account the next time you launch the game.

What we wanted to do is play together. My daughter has a VR setup at her house, so when she’s there we could play together, and when she’s at my place or at a friends’s place she could still play on her account. It doesn’t look like that’s an option with the setup you’ve implemented, unfortunately.

So I think that should work fine, you just need to switch accounts at the store level.

So you’ll have two different store (Steam/Oculus) accounts, one for each of you. You buy the game on each of those. Each of those is linked to an OrbusVR account.

Then if you want to play on your account/character, you just login to the Steam/Oculus store as you. If she wants to play on hers, she logs in as her own.

I think the only difference in what you’re thinking of is just that you have to login in/log out at the store account level rather than the OrbusVR level, since your OrbusVR account is linked to your store account.

Not sure how that would work. Will we be able to play the games linked on an Oculus store account on a PC with a Vive?

I’ll send you a PM, since this is getting pretty specific, and we can work it out.

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