I don’t like Rupert. The name just isn’t for me. So I have named my cute Shaman doge something else

Nah pretty sure someone already named him that before you P:

Idk I like it

pretty sure you heard me call mine Clifford. lol. mine was definitely always Clifford

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I don’t even know who you are and I don’t think I’ve played with you


This is the only thing that came to mind.

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His in-game name is senpai Daddy I believe
And I can tell you that his dog has been Clifford for a long time

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Ok I’ve played with him like 2 times?

Whatever, this whole post is kinda annoying

That was rather extremely rude. What do you get out of doing that?

The satisfaction on telling you this is mildly annoying

Anyway I’m giving you some self awareness so you should be thanking me


Dude I don’t care if you find it annoying, this is my post and I can post what I want. If you don’t like it don’t click it. Don’t be rude instead. I’m gonna give you some self awareness. People don’t appreciate it when people call their opinion annoying.

Making popcorn… Waiting for this thread to get closed after all the salt being applied :slightly_smiling_face: yay… Thank You Rupert!


Lol it’s not like I have something against Rupert, I just like Clifford

I think everyone’s made their point here.