Idea for Defend the Realm

I apologize if this isn’t applicable or if it’s already being accounted for, but I was pondering the notion of us Defending a Realm that we know to be doomed. I’m eager to see the full context, but one idea I wanted to bring up for consideration would be to have some type of monument or statues or something in the future version of Highsteppe to commemorate those players in this era who choose to fight for the current world even knowing that to some degree it was a lost cause. Whether it’s based on individual contribution or fellowship, or some type of combination, I think it would be a nice way to both honor what came before as well as encourage everyone to contribute and fight as hard as possible through the event.

It’s a little reminiscent of the concept behind the Monument of Swordsmen from SAO, which I consider to be a bonus, heh. Anyway, thanks for your time and consideration, and if anyone has suggestions on how to improve this idea, or why it may not be viable, let’s discuss it.


On top of that, I would also love to see some exhibits! Miniature figurines of parts of battle/certain aspects displayed on a table (terrain and buildings included, if applicable) or paintings?? Stained glass?? Murals?? Pop-up books??
… All of the above? All of the above :wink:


These are all really cool ideas. Potentially characters could get a badge or a cape or a special transmog/dye to wear to show that they were there to defend a dying world. Maybe a title? I’ve always been a huuuge fan of items in MMO’s that you can’t obtain once a certain event happens. I used to play a lot of World of Warcraft and there was a raid called Zul’Gurub that’s trash mobs had a chance to drop coins and statuettes of the fallen Troll empire. Needless to say I hoarded these long after they became unobtainable and it saddens me to see that the keys and quest items are getting removed (I kept some pagan ribbons or something from the quest of the small burning forest near the entrance to the first dungeon where you can choose to save that one pagan lady) but ultimately I’ll take any “legacy” items I can get.

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