Improve Menu/Map/UI Positioning

Have a setting to allow us to customize our UI (It doesn’t seem like grabbing works, but I can try again later).

Login Screen: Have it so you can set the distance/height. Sometimes the login screen (particularly on relog) is so close to my chest that without moving, it is hard to select login (since delete is right there as well)

Map/Log: Allow us to bring the map and log closer to us (or further) as it can be hard to see sometimes.

Menus: Similar to the other suggestions, let us reposition the menu for personal ease of use.

[Solved] Item positions: Especially for sitting players, as sitting results in some items being below the ground, allow us to adjust our item positions. Maybe we want some of the items more out of the way or in a more reachable position.

I think this is more dependent on your position in the app. It doesn’t move for me when I play in the same place

If you go into your settings under general, you can turn on relocation anchors

When you first log in, it should be in the same spot (relatively). I feel it is way too close and it usually spawns to my side a bit on first log. It usually moves for me when I relog without closing the app, but in theory, the ‘spawn’ of it should be relative to your position on relog, not initial log. It might be that I’m turning my head a bit, but if that is the case, would be nice to have it so you can set it to be relative to your head position instead of the head position on spawn.

Didn’t realize that was what those were for, thanks.

You’re too far forward in your play space. The game bases everything on the center of your play space. Best to stay there.

Am I too far back or too far forward? In another topic, I’m apparently too far back, here I’m apparently too far forward. I generally try to stay roughly in the middle unless a mob spins around me (either due to another player or due to the mob itself moving) or I lose my balance and need to stabilize myself.

It sounds like both lol. If the login menu is in your face you’re too far forward. If you’re too far away from a door you may be too far back. You can also try spinning/rotating and then moving a little bit more.

Thing is I’m standing/sitting basically in place and generally around the middle, so it could be that I’m not using a circle guardian, but a handmade (roomscale) one, but that would mean this game ignores one of the features of the Quest 2 (Roomscale Guardian). That or it could be because my play area is more or less an oval instead of a square or circle. I stand in a relatively set position because I play ranger.

I don’t think anything was changed for Quest 2 yet. The game still treats it like a Quest as far as I’m aware.

oculus quests room center changes automatically when you put on the headset meaning the login screen may be different some times, if it is you can easily fix it by resetting your room center by holding the right oculus button for 5 seconds.

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If that is the case, then I don’t see why it would change at all when I relog. Maybe it is a bug then.

Looks like the difference is relatively minor over several log-ins (complete app close), the main difference is when I relog.

Also, how do I rotate my item anchors?

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