In-game bug reporting

An in-game option to post bug reports, with a separate option to make small comments (not large suggestions - character limit?) would be nice. Potentially you could send up a diagnostics file with it(useful info to you & in game coordinates), a screenshot, or even short video footage with audio from the player’s P.O.V to see the bug. It could help show where teleporting is bugged, mobs are getting stuck, or just really about anything that can be shown…

Yes, you can take off your VR headset, take a screenshot or video and put it up. However, some people can’t do video or simply won’t go out of their way. It’s sort of like a quality-of-life thing that makes bug reporting more accessible to your average user who otherwise might skip out on reporting a small bug.

Similarly, there are many small comments about the game. Things that are weird. Just don’t come off right. “Why is this plant spawning outside the range of a large play-space area?”, “Why does Commander Fassith get angry at you for not wearing a cape… but doesn’t wear a cape herself?”, “Why is this area so empty?”, “Here is an invisible wall where mobs take a weird path around” + video. “You can clip through this wall and skip a bunch of the dungeon”. “Spiders elites are dropping epics”

This potentially can generate a lot of stuff to go through. One option is leveraging your community. Perhaps have these bugs/comments feed into the forums where players can “like” the video if it was a relevant bug or useful comment. That way you can spend your time skipping all the less useful or noob comments that may inevitably come your way and cut right to the juicy stuff.


This idea would be great especially if it also copied your log file and automatically sent it with the bug report after you briefly describe the issue.

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