Inflamed Sephotep Changes Discussion

I am pretty sure its the only reason the boss leashes on aggro switch (on that part of the fight). And I can imagine that the new main aggro was standing on some hidden leash point indeed.

Maybe the new main aggro was the 0 0 ball target. Did you have 0 0 balls that fight?

I have been just reading through all the replies and comments, gathering information for when I see that boss for the first time.
Soon, PinkCrafter. Soon. Keep hopes up.


Canā€™t remember the last time I didnā€™t have 0,0 lol. So that might be the issue

There is a bug where if a player desynced in portal and portal closes they will stay there for the rest of the fight because there is no way out. I believe this could be fixed by adding a portal out after adds are killed.

It would be nice to see a way to select what you want to roll for at the end of fight. Ie. Being able to switch classes and hit a confirm button so its fair for anyone trying to get a +7 instead of being role locked.

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We had this once, but it was not due to desync. Rather i think that one person crashed while we were in hell, but by the time they got back in we were out and they were stuck. Iā€™m sure @Escarea remembers the details a little better :upside_down_face:

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