Jelmiry makes me cry... - am I missing something?

You used that for reeling in and you had still alot of trouble? :thinking: strange. Maybe lower fps playing a role again. Or the Rift vs Vive problem where Vive players reel in slower.

Change you grafics to low. It helps :wink:

Yea well nvm I read sometimes it skips in irregular ways like farther away than it should perhaps that was that and I literally only had 2 bites, in between quite some phoenix, before it stopped.
@Burnator low is the only setting I use actually.

Using an not enhanced strength potion (also not aged), 3rd rod and a 150str weapon, (and intellect pot, same one as str) i have 0 pullback from the jelmiry, it didn’t wiggle on the line at all.

Sidenote: I noticed the kylakin did without the str pot, but as soon as i put one on i have only seen it wriggle minimally, majority pulls on that one don’t wriggle at all
Playing as Mage

This confuses me, cause from the sound of it I have less STR than you do and nothing else different, yet no wriggling on the line?
I play on a vive, may have just been the randomness like you said though. I would be more interested on other peoples statistics.

Fished this one without any pot but fishing, 1h long, and zero issues. So yea seems pretty much random to me. I play on Oculus.


isnt that what is says on our website?

What? 20 characters

i get Jelmerys from trump from his pvp farm :joy: thanks lc for the jelmery

I thought the site where you finally found the fish was on our carnage website?
If not I’ll let troy know

No there’s only really 1 location, not the others already mentioned; and i’m posting that frequently that everyone from carnage likely knows it by now :wink: (actually I had pms of people finding it in HS before me… I suppose it can be found in lots of places actually just that it has a such random or at least non-frequent pattern that I am not really eager to pursue it anymore).

Yeah there are a whole bunch of places to catch them, our fishing guide needs to be more in depth lol

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When you guys update it, please also take a look through my map and let me know if I’m missing anything!

Map post here for reference

Yeah our fishing guide is just a rough draft, as it is directly stated on the page

Today I found it, finally…


In hs, lower lake, cloudy rain, night, ingame time 2:00-3:30

Lasted barely 20mins. I fished 12 in the entire time, using str, fishing potion, even luck potion… not even to speak of all the lures I tested in exact same weather conditions in last days, in vain. Was a pure matter of luck fnding it, because I fished other fish same time and had a potion on already, so I decided to test with real lures.
The nibble-method is likely worthless since it takes too long for these short time windows.

So yea, this fish’s rarity and difficulty exceeds its actual crafting value by far imo.

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Yeah, Ive crafted 200 enhanced strikes and have stopped fishing entirely for a bit. These fish make me sad. :smiley: Maybe more info will be fished up to make life easier.

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