June 11th Update Feedback: Trickster Goblin

and if 5 people can hold a complete monoply over the other 5 guilds in the game, the other guilds must really suck…

why have a pvp event that just promotes waiting around? it’s not fun nor is it worth the time

Until the game is big enough… There will be no ‘time, skill and strategy’ challenge in open world PvP… Because there is no competition for you unfortunately… adding in a loot pinyata for your team that nobody else can realistically challenge you for is also not cool.

The reason why premade queues are removed from PvP battlegrounds is because you killed PvP for everyone around you which is not your fault, its just that the number of players in the game is not enough… the same rule applies here unfortunately.

Doesn’t necessary needs to be “massive”, but in the OG chest we had lots of great battles even with a much lower population than we have now.

I don’t see your problem, is a PVP activity supposed to have some PVP or just a lucky hunt?
Sure the best pvp players will have most of the tokens, and then? They’re only useful for a few transmog items to show off what you EARNED.

I totally agree and I don’t know how we can get those battles back… :man_shrugging:

the fuck u dont even get resources from the chest. u say a loot pinata, but havnt u looked at the shop? its litterally on cosmetics. no actual rewards which is a problem of its own. we want loot sure, BUT WE WANT TO ACTUALLY FIGHT FOR IT. as it is now thats not happening. the more goblins that happen the less people who will know when it actually spawns since it is constantly changing

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No but if for example 5 medium skilled PvPers go up against 1 skilled PvPer… The skilled PvPer would lose regardless right? So its not to do with skill either way its to do with who can get the largest gang bothered enough to monopolize the chest really. Its how its always been.


Cosmetics are still loot… lol.

I’m laughing :joy: Wasn’t that you who was “done with pvp” because the battlegrounds were won mostly by LC?

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Looks like we have yet another PvE’er who doesn’t do PvP making suggestions that make no sense. I would suggest sticking to the raid thread.

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havnt we 3v8ed u before? everyone talks about number games, but that isnt true. only people who dont bother trying to get good feel that way

ill just requote myself here

TLDR; not enough players in-game AKA no one else can compete AKA PvP dies like it did… You wanna do that to the chest too?

Three Four-step plan:

Make it spawn every 60-70 minutes. It’d be half as common as any other public event and it’s not like LC can monopolize something that happens all the time in a random place with no warning. Adjust drops and costs to compensate for the additional spawns. If the goblin isn’t killed in 10 minutes, he despawns and you have to wait for the next spawn.

Disable invisibility potions on token holders or finally add viable counter play. Invisibility is fine when it’s just used for ambushes or run-of-the-mill escapes, but big drops make it overpowered.

Remove Highsteppe from the spawns. It’s way too easy.

Have a public event indicator over the goblin in Highsteppe, with the normal colors. When the event is active, show the blue indicator and replace the goblin with a sign that says “BRB. Scounting out Lamavora Battlefields. -The Goblin” until he’s killed. When you wave at him, give him text explaining World PVP. Newbies will be able to see this and learn SO much from context.


I think this might solve it.

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so in ur opinion because their is a good group of PvPers no pvp thing at all should ever be made into group content?
hey guys lets go the raid thread and say all raids must be done through a que because its too competive and unfair

60-70 minutes is still insane, lets assume u miss a coupel days of the chest. no what? when does it spawn? its now a mutliple hour difference, which multiplies with time. only the hard core who go everytime will know when the spawn is

Serve up the beginning of the spawn window through the API, like any other public event. Then you can just check the armory, like any other public event.

no that is not what I am saying at all… I am saying what is the point of having a premade if no one wants to fight you in the first place? PvP queues died because of that in under 2 weeks. I don’t want to see that happen to the trickster chest that everyone has been waiting for. The game needs players to breath.

I think it should be a specific spawn location/time since the loot is now just cosmetic and whoever gets the cosmetic shouldn’t really be monopolizing it at that point anyway except for fun.

I also think the Goblin should have way more HP so people can intervene the fight and have a chance to gank.


well chest is already dead day 1… so it seems to be working great?

so we should completely removed groups?