LanceA : French Gaming Association ready for VRMMO action

Hi. I’m sorry for the international base, but this post is mainly focused on french speaking people.


I’m here to talk about a fellowship, or fellowships, or a guild, or any system that will finally be implemented in-game. And that guild will belong in a bigger community, a community of gamers who love MMOs and have been playing these for more than 10 years : LanceA.

LanceA is a gaming association, with a legal existence for more than 10 years. We focus on providing the best environment for a crew of MMO players with the ambition to play as a familly. We don’t perform in the boss-killing race, but we aren’t fully casual neither. We try to get the best from any player that wants to play without any constraint of presence or investment.

We are currently mostly active on World of Warcraft, Wildstar, Final Fantasy, Elsword and Revelation Online, and we have two dedicated servers on Conan Exiles and ARK. But we intend to experience the new frontier, as a few of us are the happy owners of VR headset, and backed Orbus so they won’t miss what they expected for years, a VRMMO.

If you want to pass by and see what we’re up to, here’s our website :

I hope the ecosystem of guild will be full of well driven communities and you can contact me here or on discord for any question :wink:

See you in-game !

So… It’s time to switch to french. Even if I bet most of the readers on this forum will understand the english part :wink:

French / Français

Je suis là pour vous parler d’une communauté, d’une guilde, ou tout autre nom que prendra une association de joueurs durant le développement. Cette Guilde ferait partie d’une communauté plus grande, une communauté qui aime les MMOs et y joue depuis plus de 10 ans : LanceA.

LanceA est une association de gaming, avec une existence légale depuis plus de 10 ans. Notre but est de fournir le meilleur environnement de jeu familial pour une communauté de joueurs aux ambitions communes. Nous ne sommes pas des hardcore dans la course aux downs, mais nous ne sommes pas non plus des casus. Nous essayons de tirer le meilleur de tout joueur qui veut jouer sans contrainte de présence ou d’investissement.

Nous somme actuellement principalement actifs sur World of Warcraft, Wildstar, Final Fantasy, Elsword et Revelation Online, et nous avons deux serveurs dédiés, respectivement sur Conan Exiles et ARK. Mais nous voulons expérimenter la nouvelle frontière, car certains d’entre nous sont les heureux possesseurs de casques VR, et ont participé au financement d’Orbus pour ne pas rater ce qu’ils attendent depuis si longtemps : un MMO en VR.

Si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre ou juste passer nous faire coucou, c’est par ici :

J’espère que l’écosystème de guildes du jeu sera peuplé de communautés variées et aux ambitions diverses pour répondre aux besoins de chacun. Vous pouvez me contacter sans soucis directement ici ou sur discord si besoin ^^.

On se revoit In-Game !

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Nice, I’ll go take a look :slight_smile:

I admit that I was a bit worried with my spoken english skills (written english is ok, but I speak it with a mixed german-french accent ^^’ )
Speaking language based communities will probably be mandatory for those who are not fluent in english.

As someone who has experienced same lagnuage guilds (hungarian) I must say that I am mostly against them as they tend to be hotbeds for racist groups. Now I am not automatically assuming a french guild will be like that but it never hurts to prepare your heart for something like that. I hope management takes care of problematic indiciduals @Frederic_L.

oh, The french are one of the most hated group of player online. As a “veteran manager” in MMOs, I know we must absolutely avoid all xenophobic behaviour.

We are an old community and we rarely have to deal with these behaviours, I hope it will be the same in Orbus.


It would be nice to have fixed language-based shards/channels in town areas.

I thought of the problem with mixed languages unintentionally causing isolation and resentment among non-speakers, but I don’t think it’ll be too big a problem. Chat is supposed to be local and only around you. You won’t be bombarded by unknown languages from people across the zone. If chat was zone-wide then it would be more of a problem.

In french in the text :

Nous sommes 2 pour la closed alpha de demain, si vous souhaitez jouer avec nous, nous serons certainement sur le discord LanceA (et nous pouvons faire une place pour votre groupe si vous le souhaitez) :
Vous pouvez me mp ici ou directement là bas si vous le souhaitez.

(LanceA Discord server, French only, sorry for the english speakers)