Leaving dungeons or player house usually ends up like this

Is this is a new thing or has it always done that?

I had this one today.

this has been happening for a few days i figured it was just closed access bugs but usually if i leave high steppe house theres a 1/3 chance im going to end up below the town and every time i’ve left a dungeon this has happened actually not the first one that one seems to be okay but certainly every time i’ve left the jng dng out of the 4 times i’ve done it

We have the Highsteppe house issue in our tracking system and I’ve updated that to include the information about exiting the jungle dungeon as well. Thanks for reporting!

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I have this issue if I log out inside my Home in Highstep. I logout in front of the cauldron, I login under the world, every single time.

@Damage_Da_Mage i hope all my reports aren’t annoying lol I try to make notes while I play and report them all at once as I find them

I’ve had a similar issue logging into the game from my house

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