Left-Handed Runemage Spellcasting Success Rate

Greetings all,
The long title gives it away, I’ve playing with the runemage for some time now and it seems as if casting spells with my right hand has higher success rate although I’m left handed.

Thing is it just feels unnatrual for me to play right-handed (compare the feeling to trying to write with your second hand).

Also a high level mage told me its a known problem and that I should just switch to right handed or roll a different class.

Question is, is it true?
Does casting spells with left hand has lower success rate?
Any left-handed high-level mage around that can cast spells with ease?

Best regards,
Zhunk :slight_smile:

I have already raised this. And yes it is harder. Especially frost 3 which involves a stabbing motion. Hopefully the dev’s are looking into it.

I’m right handed and play runemage predominantly left handed. It’s completely possible. The trick with frost 3 is more like a tennis swing instead of a back hand. Once I figured out how to cast frost 3 left handed, my first attempt at chain casting was 28 in a row. My first attempt chain casting right handed was 9, and currently my right handed chain casting record is 23.

In summation, no it isn’t actually harder to cast anything left handed. Just need a different approach sometimes.

Edit: ugh, I just realized the date. I swear this isn’t an April Fools. If anyone would like to meet me in game to learn frost 3 either handed, I can show you :+1:


^ Same here, i’m right handed but i can cast everything left handed, T3 pushback included (not a good success rate but that’s because it’s not my good hand and i never practiced left handed).
I also find T3 frostbolt to be very easy to cast with the left hand, i just need to do a different motion than i use to do with the right hand.

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I’m a right-handed right-handed caster.

From my testing, you can cast with the controller turned side-ways, upside down etc. It is however headset dependent. For example you can cast a sideways manashield if your headset is also sideways. If you are on the Vive, then left and right handness don’t matter, they are the same controller. You could hold the wrong ingame hand and cast like that if you like. I don’t think the game takes into account where your non casting hand is for seeing if it is a successful cast.

In my opinion, I don’t have any data to support this however, I don’t think the game changes the input, or algorithm based on which hand is making the cast. At most it might matter where in your field of view is the spell, and the difference of planes between the display and the plane you are drawing in.

However I will say this, seeing that there is probably more right handed mages, the shortcuts discovered might have a bias for using the right hand. I don’t know. This doesn’t make left handed casting harder than right, but just not as cultured or developed by the community?


I haven’t had any issues casting with my left hand, when my right arm gets tired I swap, and it seems like it works just as well to me

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Can confirm, Airis pumps spells out left handed. Here’s a gif of here Frost 3:


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