Leveling up new classes

I spent the most of my time leveling up one class but now that I want to level up another, I can’t do any mission because they are all for higher class so I am limited to farming mobs. Any suggestions?

Hi, you should have access to daily and weekly allotment of missions, which also stocks up if you don’t use them - check the icon on the top right (I believe?) of the window to populate a new mission from the ones you’ve done.

You can also use the grinding device which you can purchase from the highsteppe underground near the Odds N Ends vendor. It gives you bonus experience for grinding mobs.

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Do all the daily/weekly missions to gold status on your level 30(or what ever you got it to). Switch to your lower level class to turn them in.

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I can turn them in as a level 5 when the mission is for level 30?

Yes, I have been leveling up my mage with my level 30 scoundrel missions

Probably not the “preferred” way to do it, but it works right now lol

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I think the missions come more from what rep you have than what level your character is but I’m not sure. Either way it doesn’t matter what class you are when they’re turned in as long as they are done

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Those missions become available relative to what lvl your highest character is. Those missions you can do once for 200 rep. But you can get a random mission again from your dailies too. That will just be a mission random between 1 and YOUR_MAX_LVL_CHARACTER.

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Complete the quests on your main then turn in on your alt. Should it be that way? shrug :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s good xp tho. Also hit up highsteppe gate defense, portal, etc.

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You can also use the public event tracker to do multiple events per rotation



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