Levelling gear issue

The levelling gear was made into 3 different types to cut down on carrying 8 sets of gear for while levelling, however this new thing where if you equip something a higher level than what you are really messes with that, I was levelling my ranger 1st yesterday and after a while we had no one around to heal, I switched to my musky which uses the same gear type but because my musky was a lower level than the ranger that gear couldn’t be used, sure I still had it equipped until I got a second set drop but if the levelling gear was there to make it so we didn’t need to have 8 sets of gear until we get to the end game content then you need to make it so we can use higher levelled gear and have it scaled down like it does in the current game and just make it obvious on the stat screen on whats happening.

I currently have 2 sets of leather gear, one higher set and one lower set


Shoot, right! I discarded my lower gear too already, leveling another class and need to farm it from scratch for the lower one. I wonder why the old system isn’t used to just cap the gear (perhaps this time indicating the stats anywhere, more visibly) but all can be worn at any level, there was nothing wrong with that, right…


So one of the reasons we got rid of that “wear any gear but it scales down” thing was due to the confusion it caused. Another was we wanted to have the ability to give you gear slightly higher than your current level and give you something to look forward to equipping (which most MMOs do). The final reason was for the new “Plus Gear” system to work, e.g. “20+2” or “10+1” gear, obviously that system is incompatible with the old “hidden cap” system. Otherwise you would never get the plus values until you were e.g. using a 20+1 weapon at Level 21.

It is true that with the new system you will have to hang on to a few different sets of gear as you level multiple disciplines. I think it’s still slightly better than it was previously, since you can e.g. have a “around Level 5 set”, “around Level 10 set”, etc. that can be used multiple times for different classes, as opposed to needing a full different set for each class. Plus with the higher drop rate and much lower gear weight, it shouldn’t be super hard to keep a set of gear for different classes if you think about it in advance.

At the same time, I can see how it would be really nice to just have one set of gear of each gear type and just use it with any class, without needing to go through all that trouble, even if it is less trouble than it was before.

So I will consider if there is a way we can make both work somehow. Maybe the limitation of equipping a Level 4 piece is just you have to have “any class” higher than 4, and then you can equip it, so that on your first time through the leveling process you can get those “slightly higher, I should knock out a level now so I can wear it” experiences, but then when you are doing subsequent classes it is more optimized for “I’ve been here and done this and now I just want convenience.” Again, I’m not sure how that would work with the +Gear…probably we would do something where the plus gear bonus just doesn’t take effect until you are at that level…so for example if you get a Level 20+1 piece of armor, if you are Level 10 and equip it, you are capped at Level 10 armor, and then once you hit Level 20 you can get the +1 bonus. Another issue we ran into with the old system was it never really accounted for secondary stats properly…so the Int, Str, and other bonuses that will be in the higher level gear itemization really break it to where you can be way more powerful than intended. Maybe it’s a system where if you equip a Level 20 gear piece at Level 10, you only get the base armor, no secondary stats or bonuses. So it’s like, if you’re just leveling and just getting higher armor is basically “good enough” and you don’t want to mess with different sets for different classes, you can just do that. But then at the same time, if you do get a 10+1 drop at Level 10 with some secondary stats and a bonus, it’s worth equipping still because the Level 20 gear isn’t giving you anything but extra armor – so all the gear you acquire while leveling that class isn’t useless, either. I kind of like the idea of that.

Anyway, as I said I will spend some time thinking about this, but just to give you an idea of the thinking behind why it works the way it does right now.


It is really confusing though and would require excessive clicking and sorting needed. I plan to at least level all classes that means to keep a strict order on up to 16 gear sets! (Because, the next higher level I already keep until leveling up and I end up starring alot at my inventory already, sorting it, with only the 2 classes I currently level :smiley: )

I could also look forward to get higher stats on my existing gear once I level up, right, IF only I knew what the cap’s effects are once I put something on. One major problem I have with the original Orbus is that information on stats and gear is often missing, starting with, like, what exact tier I am actually wearing - need to figure that with external, not always correct tables - and ending with what stats are doing. Like, experienced players claim that 30 armor plus on low level is much less effective than 3+ armor on the endgame gear, low physical def is almost irrelevant if only armor is higher and so on.

I wished to have much more transparency and details (numbers) on what I am wearing, right now, on any class, to figure what it does, in some MMOs there was even elaborated 3rd party calculators, I knew, mostly, every little percentage of what stat changes to what if I tweak this and that.

I’d be fine with 8 sets of gear if I knew it was going to be working like that, especially with the weight, I just assumed that we would just need 1 set per type until end game where we got class-only gear.

I also thought the weight being 0.1 was just a band-aid for the beta until the new system for gear was in place or something but if it’s going to stay as 0.1 in reborn then that’s great because to have a full set per class would only weigh 4/45 which is good enough to just have a tab in your inventory dedicated to gear sets

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so i think the biggest confusion on the old gear was that stats really didnt matter at all… the only thing that mattered was the tier, as it seemed like it was some sort of huge multiplier onto everything else. for example, you would think that 70+ vitality was better than 2 armor… but if that 2 armor put you into the next tier up, it would be a massive upgrade.

I think most likely what will happen long-term is it will stay at 0.1 and we will add on a thing that can auto-equip sets out of your inventory that you can save to quickly switch between classes. I have no intention of increasing it back to 1 weight.


That’s awesome! Thank you!!

I just got a level 18 gun from the big tree guy… not really useful for this Beta :wink:

Can someone tell me what gear goes with what. I only know cloth=shaman and bard

Cloth = Shaman, Bard, Runemage
Leather = Ranger, Musketeer
Plate = Warrior

Is the current spread. Of course there are still two more classes coming…

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Another plate user? :grin:

So with the way things are now, this happened, as I levelled my ranger to level 15 I saved any items that I replaced with new drops for when I go back to my level 7 muskie so every time I level I already have the gear upgrade waiting for it, I guess I’m a hoarder? :joy:

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Where is the lvl 18 gear? :grin:

In my chest as I can’t use it, maybe next beta? :yum:

Haha that’s hilarious. I don’t have issues getting “my” gear along with leveling though, yet I keep discarding the wrong things. It would be VERY helpful to have the level indicator in a corner - perhaps the upper left - without the need of hovering to check it.
A 1-/2-digit Tier-indicator on first sight is something I miss in the original Orbus too, the armor takes just longer to grasp and compare and leads to more confusion.

My current workaround is to parallel-level Bard and Shaman (sorry mage, no time for you this weekend :smiley: ) so they always use same gear.

I’m now testing Shaman for the 1st time and then saving the gear for bard as I haven’t checked out the bard changes yet either, will also be skipping mage this test

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