Life steal question

I was wondering how often life steal procs I dont seem to notice it at all and was wondering if I should I go for a different affix as warrior.

I had it on my paladin hammer for a while and I’m not sure it ever proced.

It’s honestly a trash enchant pretty much does nothing, Like treasure master giving a extra 1-6 dram sometimes or lightning forge dealing pretty much 0 damage when it procs. The enchants that are really only viable are bleed, Charge strikes and unbending.

I used a bow with lifesteal during a sewer dungeon earlier and then checked how many times I got healed in the combat log after and it didn’t proc once during the whole dungeon


Isnt lifesteal actually supposed to be always procing but only regening(1-2%) some rly small amount of the dealt dmg?

Then it doesn’t work at all :joy:

Oh man that’s lame !

That’s in the old world I believe

It never worked in oldbus either lol Otherwise everyone would have just used life steal and heal themselfs.

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