Lore theory - there are 3 more sephotep like beings

After rereading the songs of Nodenghast for the 1000th time sometimes new stood out to me in Part Two: The Yellow Scholar. (also probably the best story out of all the songs I highly recommend reading it) in this paragraph,

And so the first of the scholars born,
Humanity evolved into her thorn.
Four at a time, till one move on,
Monk begets Scholar, scholar begets spawn.

First I’m going to explain what I think this means which will lead right into the theory. First where it says “And so the first of the scholars born” this is talking about the yellow scholar who became Nodenghasts first “scholar” next “Humanity evolved into her thorn” to be honest I don’t really know what this is trying to say so I’ll skip it.
“Four at a time, till one move on” this is where the theory comes in, I believe that what this is trying to mean is that there are 4 scholars until 1 dies or “moves on” which will have Nodenghast then go look for another “scholar”. I believe that sephotep was one of these scholars taking up 1 of the 4 spots but this will mean that there are 3 other scholars who are just like sephotep in terms of power and probably just as evil.
I think it would be cool if these other 3 scholars work together and despised sephotep not letting him join them which is why we never heard of them.
Also if we are to see them in a raid this is how I would want to see them, they should all have very different personality’s and with sephotep being the manipulative master mind who had plans there should be an opposite who is just a brute who just does without thinking his mechanics could be more randomized which could be hard because there would be no patterns to follow. He would also be the first boss because he would not want to wait for you to kill the other bosses to get to him
The second scholar I feel like would be a summoner that has the personality of someone who could be lazy and instead of him fighting you most of the fight they just send other creatures to fight you
The 3rd boss could be basically anything I want there to be 4 bosses so you would need to get creative with the 3rd one maybe like a lesser god of chaos
Boss 4 would be the leader of the group and he is a jack of all traits and also most powerful (which is how he became the leader)
And that would be the raid at the end it could hint to the next part of the story or something too

This lore theory has kinda turned into more of a raid suggestion but It still gets the point across but what do you think? Could there be more scholars or do you think that it was talking about something else?


Could they just be the 4 citadel bosses?

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I doubt it, nodenghast seems to only give humans her knowledge and while boss 2 and 3 can pass as humans boss 1 definitely can’t they are probably from another realm. Also they don’t have those tattoos and glowing skin like sephotep has which most likely came from Nodenghast. But it could still be a possibility

Could we possibly see one of these scholars in the new chaos dungeons?


I wouldn’t think so because there would probably be a build up to the bosses giving them a story and stuff but then again it could be possible

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Thorn can mean problem/burden/hardship/pain.

Nodenghast is the creator of the creators, right? The original, thing, that created Ma’at and Ba’al…who went on to create the realms, etc. and eventually created Humanity. In my mind it is saying that humanity has become a problem for her, for whatever reason she has an issue with the people.

So either a.) she is creating the scholars to kill all/some of humanity (similar to the biblical accounts of Sodom and Gomorrah), or b.) reading the other songs of Nodenghast it doesn’t sound like the scholars are having much fun, so she is creating “scholars” as a form of punishment to themselves and slowly taking her frustrations with humanity out on people one by one by turning them into “scholars” and toruturing them.

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