Make an hourly reset counter for frost 3 and fire 3 and change the weather for a zone when a large threshold is reached for how many times it has been cast in a zone

These spells aren’t heavily utilized very much. It’d be cool if a bunch of mages could get together and repeatedly cast in zone to temporarily change the weather (threshold value large enough that this take 15-30 minutes and a reasonable amount of people to do). Might also be a mechanic for getting certain fish to appear easier. Bonus points if fireball 3 casts count against frost 3 casts. Let the mage weather wars begin!


Spells need more balancing to encourage a diverse casting rather then a one spell spam. Frost 3 used to be a essential spell in the old game, now it’s worthless.

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I don’t disagree, but I guess I was trying to suggest multi-mage ritual type things to affect an area. Pretty sure, others have suggested it before.

I like this Idea … you have my Fireball3’s

Why not have spells you can only cast once per day like op spells? Make them special and complicated so anyone in pvp would see the spell your doing and know to avoid it.

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how about a spell that immediately kills a boss. only usable hmmmmm… lets say 15 times a day


Oh sweet Jesus
checks armory
sees number of shard 15s cleared
sees 35 more than yesterday

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Have to make it fair …
let’s have it consume a rare resource…
and cost reagents to cast :3

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I was being serious. Thank you make it a real challenge to do and make it epic to see it pulled off. At this point we have people soloing dungeons why not?

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Can be cast by a single mage ?
Or team of mages ?

Nvm , I can read … and want both.

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Group spell sounds awesome

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Have all start a ritual cast together and within a life well distance of eachother, each mage adds to the power of the effect …

If they pop the spell they get struck by arcane backlash and instant killed .

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Like in wow how in the battleground you could summon the giant turtle.

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I dont recall this .

Sorry ivus the forest lord not turtle

So what would some of these do?

But yeah a group spell would be cool.

What about a haste like spell. Or increased damage. Not insta kill but maybe take 1/4 of health

So… while I like this there’s one problem
With people like zenzerker, me, sirandrew, etc around the weather is gonna change like crazy
How many spells would it take?

I dont know maybe it would be something for a world boss type fight. Have like 5 mages having to do a different part of a group spell