Make it easier to cast spells on yourself

Mana shield and decurse constantly go through my character. There should be an easier way to cast spells on yourself.

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I’ve struggled with this a lot as well. Thankfully, I have very long arms, so I am able to get it to work sometimes, but it’s still not reliable at all, especially in the middle of a fight.

Maybe holding the grip buttons (Vive) would force a cast on self mode? Or an AOE effect that triggers on the closest single target? Anything to address this would be great!

I find committing suicide works the best. I point my wand at my head like a gun and pull the trigger. It seems to be the only cast that works reliably.

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Made me chuckle :joy:

I do think the mage shield and decurse would be awesome if it had a splash effect, though this would probably be too overpowered during raids but would solve hitbox problems

I agree. The mana shield needs a small aoe. It’s annoying in raid situations hitting the warriors shield instead of the warrior. It would be nice if it was a lvl 5 talent.


Yeah this drives me crazy lol


Or when it hits the boss instead of the warrior because the warrior is somewhat ‘inside’ of the bosses hitbox…

Btw have you tried aiming down at your feet to manashield yourself?

Yep, it still goes through though me, same aiming it at my left arm. Tried a variety of techniques, nothing is 100% unfortunately.

Try Mike_F’s approach, but bend your head to look downwards at the wandtip pointing vertically up and in your face. Although i have very little experience with it still, this is so far the most reliable way i’ve found to hit yourself with manashield. Worth a try at least :wink:

Yes, you really have to give in to the feeling. Playing Runemage definitely helps

I have never had issues casting a spell onto myself. What works for me is casting into my gut. Not sure why it’s phasing through you…

Please please please!!! No more static bullcrap :joy:

I happen to like that static bullcrap as a finisher for a mob with low hp! :stuck_out_tongue:

could be a distance issue. His arm might be shorter and the wand ends up intersecting with the hitbox and causing it to shoot past or through it.

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Can you provide video of the glitch?

nearly wiped a couple of times because of these shenanigans.

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Why not just make mana shield have a small AOE similar to musket orbs? This way it can:

  1. Buff warriors without worrying about it hitting their shields or being blocked by hitboxes overlapping
  2. Buff party members nearby
  3. Buff yourself without having to aim awkwardly at yourself.

I agree with you. I can’t count how many time my mana shield was blocked by the hitboxe when the tank was not really close from the boss… And if the tank is in the middle of multiple mobs, just forget it.

Its pretty annoying

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