I’m sure the devs are already talking about this for the future of the game but I just want to make this small post about how much cosmetics and equipment variety matter in an MMO. Many players love to express themselves through their characters and showing off their achievements through the gear that they have obtained. Right now the variety of equipment, hairstyles, faces, etc. is definitely lacking, I’m almost level 9 now and still haven’t found gear that looks any different from what I started with (it really sucks picking up your millionth Beginner’s Bow at almost half the level cap.
I’m not going to in-depth with this post, but I’m just sort of wondering where gear/cosmetic variety falls on the OrbusVR roadmap? I understand if it’s not a huge priority in EA but VR is all about the immersion and it kind of pulls you out of the zone when everybody looks almost identical.