Multi-salvaging or an option to disable crates

Is there anyway for the developers to be able to make a small adjustment in the next patch so we will be able to either disable being able to get crates from turning in missions or be able to multi-salvage items. It is very annoying to be sitting there with full +6 and still need to open up crates with normal level 30 gear just to break it down since crates can take up a lot of space if you turn in a lot of missions at once. My idea was to make it so you can disable getting crates once you hit level 30 or make it so you can either destroy crates instead of opening them or be able to multi-salvage and destroy almost everything unnecessary including crates in my inventory


I still find the minor shards get from breaking down level 30 armour and weapons as I take them to the shard vendor. So a way to get one or two minor shards instead of a crate would be good for me.


Yesss my inventory is constantly getting full and I’m having to go to my player house almost everything I play to dump out my inventory. This would be an amazing improvement


Please this would be a really good QOL improvement. Any way to multi break down would be nice


I would rather have multi-breakdown. I grind alot. Being able to select all of the items to be broken down would save a ton of time.

I do see why they may not allow this as it would probably increase requests for the devs to give back stuff that was broken down by mistake.


Maybe not because people can lock things now


Please devs… pretty please?


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