Musketeer shot should activate on pressdown, not pressup

When firing a shot with the Musketeer, the bullet only fires when you release the trigger instead of when you press it. Guns fire when you pull the trigger, not when you release it, and it feels unnatural the other way around. Should be a relatively easy fix! :slight_smile:

I marked this as a bug because itā€™s indisputably wrong, but since itā€™s not game-breaking at all, perhaps it should be marked as a ā€œsuggestionā€ instead. I apologize if Iā€™ve miscategorized this. Keep up the good work, devs! :heart:

Edit: Iā€™m using the Vive HMD, Vive controllers, but Iā€™ve spoken with others using the Oculus and confirmed the same behavior on their setup as well.

Edit 2: I have changed the category to ā€œsuggestionsā€

It is not indisputably wrong.

This is a video game, not real life. The game skips and modifies many steps involved in firing a musket to provide a better gameplay experience.

Firing upon release, not pull, can (and does) provide a superior gameplay experience by increasing the preloading/prefiring options available to the player.

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Personally I like the current system, thereā€™s been a few instances where Iā€™ve had to hold my shot, mid trigger, and look/wait for a better opportunity, or lose my orb and get stuck waiting for cooldowns


I was a bit curious about this. At first I thought that my game was lagging lol.
I am still a baby healer but, you get used to it. It will become second nature to you once you do it for a bit.

I prefer the existing system as well. Since I use a Vive, I feel as though the need to hold down the trigger gives my hand a better grip and more steady aim with the controller and a quick release is great for having to time your shots.

I feel if it became a trigger down system that Iā€™d be feathering the trigger more in the hopes of not firing accidentally.

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To those saying they prefer the way that it is implemented now; I think thatā€™s just because you had to get used to it. There is no other VR title out there that has a gun that activates when the trigger is released. If the game was implemented with the gun activating on pressdown, no one would have questioned it and playstyles would evolve around the existing mechanic. I suppose now that weā€™ve had a taste for a different mechanic, people will have opinions about it, so maybe activating on pressdown should be an option instead of a full-blown update/bugfix. I just think thatā€™s a bit much to ask for, personally. I think we can all appreciate that itā€™s not the expected behavior though, right?

I disagree.

This isnā€™t a real musket, we canā€™t, for instance, use two hands to stabalize it when we fire. The actual steps and mechanics involved in loading and firing a muzzleloader like a musket are ponderous and take like 20+ seconds. In the game this has been streamlined to provide a superior user experience.

So no, I very much do not expect this weapon to function like a modern firearm

So youā€™re saying you would not have expected to find the musket in this game to fire when you pulled the trigger the first time you played?

Look, Iā€™m not trying to start an argument. I was just noting that the mechanic is not expected behavior, and itā€™s worth considering whether or not it was a mistake. Letā€™s leave the decision making to the devs.

@Awfulnaut Just ignore it bud.
What LV is your muskie?

Exact same experience. Itā€™s actually pretty helpful.

What LV is your muskie?

I have a level 11 musketeer and a level 10 mage. I try to level them at about the same pace :slight_smile:

I JUST finished lving my healer and my Mage is my main!
So you have not done any dungeons yet! Thatā€™s when I think this pull style really makes a difference. Itā€™s so time sensitive. If you blow a big heal in a dungeon fight you could wipe your team. This way if you throw your big heal into the gun and squeeze the trigger accidentally you have a bit of a buffer. It is strange at first though.
Ohhh Whatā€™s your in game name? We are always looking for muskies

It should be a suggestion. Although the devs could have coded wrong and accidentally made it trigger release :sweat_smile: but this is unlikelyā€¦

I think Decoy and Yecal_Wulf gave the best reason as to why it should not change.

I donā€™t have a preference and could accommodate if it changed. If it is a suggestion it changes the nature of the request. If it is a bug then the Devā€™s will just have to try to remember what was the intended code and just verify. Also if it is a suggestion Geldanā€™s arguments donā€™t quite make sense, besides being one of prefference. But I must say that Geldan has played musky a lot (I mean a lot, from the players I have run shards with he would be my top pick if not within my top 3 people I would want as a Musky).

So you have not done any dungeons yet! Thatā€™s when I think this pull style really makes a difference.

If you mean shard dungeons, then yes. I have done the standard Wenderwood and Jungle dungeons already. And yeah, I can definitely see the benefit of it not firing until the trigger is released. Although, anything that makes it a little harder in order to increase the skill cap is welcome in my book. The skill cap for Mage is so high, why not heighten it for Musketeer?

Whatā€™s your in game name?

In game name is Maelstromus. I havenā€™t been on much recently due to a bad cold, but Iā€™m usually around every day :slight_smile:

Fair enough, it seems this is the general opinion here, so I have changed the category to suggestion. Either way, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll speak to the original intent when they get around to reading this post. At this point, Iā€™m mostly just curious to see the devā€™s explanation, if there is one.

I immediately realized the trigger was opposite but tbh it didnā€™t bother me. I donā€™t mind how it is currently and. I do agree that I find myself holding the trigger while loading an orb and or switching mobs mid shot and the trigger release is almost as natural as a trigger pull.

But for those who just ā€˜canā€™t evenā€™ā€¦ what about a toggle option for the trigger? Shoot on release or shoot on pull?

I donā€™t think we should change this. All of the concerns above seem legit to me, but the thing I really worry about is mis-gripping my controller. In the wrong scenario, I hold my controller in my hand wrong, and my gun goes off. If it has an orb loaded, thatā€™s a wasted shot and potential party wipe. With the current method, if I grip incorrectly, I still have the ability to save my orb, since releasing the trigger will cause the gun to go off. However, that being said, if people wanted a toggle added, thatā€™s cool too.


Eh, to me seeing a Dev response on something like this is a roll of the dice. Sometimes they are quiet about saying stuff they are unsure of, and the future is something to be uncertain of. And if it is a bug they would ninja change it without having even said something.

Other times however they respond and it is cool knowing what they are thinking. I think we as players pressure them to much and hold them accountable to what they say. There needs to be a way of interacting with them as Devā€™s and as opinions of Devā€™s in no way accountable.

Wait, this is a video game?

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I did read somewhere that the devs want the mage class to be a harder class to play. That is why you are not given a wand at the beginning of the game. Its supposed to be more advanced.