Musketeer turret master poison doesn't stack? Also question about turret recall

Just curious, something I’ve noticed on Musketeer. when you use the poison orb on the empowered turret, it will start poisoning enemies. Then if I use my poison normally on the enemy there will be 2 poison stacks for a second, but then the second stack will go away, and the turret won’t reapply a poison until my main one runs out. Not sure if its intended because if so, with the poison talent to last 2 secs longer I can basically keep my poison up nonstop just from my gun, making the poison on turret seem useless. Would mean our only DPS increase is not really helping at all. Is this intended?

Another question is about the Turret recall. I thought this was going to be very helpful for recalling the turret and say, switching it between healing and damage modes if needed then redeploying it. Though as it is its not really a recall, but a relocate. When I grab the blue turret to relocate it, I can shake it and hear the sound and vibration for it switching though it stays in the same mode when thrown back out. :frowning:

Loving what ya guys are doing so keep it up, just wanted to throw out what I’ve seen with the talents so far. Thanks for the great game!

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Yeah the main thing I wanted there was making sure the Turret didn’t re-apply a second stack of it’s own, so I will change that so it will still apply it if it is your Poison stack on there.

I hadn’t really thought about switching modes, I will look into that. Although note that if you just fire a healing orb at a damage-mode Turret, it will start switching between healing and damaging.

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Thanks for the quick reply, yeah I understand the healing orb at a damage turret idea. Thanks for looking into it!

Thanks for posting this. I was going to get to it later today, but you have saved me some time.

Some additional observations I have seen:

  1. It looks like the poison tick that the turret is applying is NOT doing as much damage as the orb I can apply directly (roughly a 100 point difference) to an enemy. Intended?

  2. For the relocation talent, I will do some more testing, but I have noticed that if I do relocate the turret there is a cool down period after the expiration of an active turret. However, if I do NOT relocate the turret there is NO cd from one turret to the next. Intended?

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