Nerf on Healing Potions

I’m just just going to leave that I’m also not against putting a 10-30 second cooldown on the Health potions.


Potions falling at death is a great idea.


not for free, at the expense of any real damage. Healer turrets can’t even target other players offensively. There are no potions to compensate for that.

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@Justin welcome to EK :slight_smile:

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LOL it’s kind of funny but don’t you guys want some challenge too?
What’s the point in always winning if no one can even get the chance to be on the same foot as you ?

i mean, last time i heavy potted was in a 1v3, and in todays with no health pots was a 5v10

I used 1 health pot in the 5v10 today (mage is squishy, I got hit with charged shot gimme a break :P)

what am saying is that if you guys want to, you can actually make yourself invincible if you feel like you don’t have a chance xD so it would be nice to have a cooldown on health potions cause at least it won’t give this crazy opportunity to happen again, but yeah I’ll drop it me too I mean what’s the point when you don’t get listen too anw.

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You have the same opportunity to bring health potions to the fight, you just choose not to.

If they are chugging 5 health potion in the battle you are fighting without you bringing anything then I think you’ve won the fight IMO.

We all can agree that PvP is stupidly broken right now and the Devs are reworking it in the upcoming expansion. But you can’t force people to dumb down what they do so it’s fair.


a charge piecing does a bit less than half of someones health, meaning that it can chunk someone extremly fast, same with fire ball, and well, dps classes dps fast and doesnt leave you the time to drink, let alone the fact that while drinking u cant dodge. with that said this convo is going in circles so i will leave it here as well

This is what skilled and strategic PvP looks like.

le classico OP musky


Or you can activate your lag switch like Kamina does.

Edit: Kamina was unphased by my fakeout at 0:18

Except the video is not available :sweat_smile:

Lol IDK why I had that private

Yea my dodges be top charts, need to work on my actual aim while dodging tho

Right there is proof that EK is not invincible!

I do think the claims of EK being dishonorable, invincible, infinity wealthy, etc, are a bit suspect. Yes, we’ve spent a lot of time in the game getting that muscle memory, acquiring resources, making potions etc, but it’s because we obsessively love this game. It’s literally one of a kind, and for myself, it’s something I’ve been waiting for my entire life. So I think it makes sense that we would go all in when playing.

That being said, we’re not trying to ruin the game for anyone! We want the game to succeed more than anyone. We notify guilds if we plan to engage them in PvP in the wilds, we don’t murder random fishers and new players, etc. We also aren’t telling people not to come fight for the trickster chest, and in fact I think we’re on record that we find it much more fun when we have a fight on our hands, even when we lose. And in terms of potion use impacting fights, you don’t need to be a millionaire to have more potions on you than we typically bring to trickster fights.

So I guess what I’m asking here is what exactly do you guys think we should be doing differently?

  • Should we just not go for the chest sometimes and hope/let others pick it up?
  • Should we commit to never using any potions regardless of the situation?
  • Should we not team up, coordinate or use tactics among our members?
  • Should we not use the best gear we have available?

All of the above would be us basically giving everyone else an artificial boost by voluntarily handicapping ourselves. I don’t know about anyone else, but I wouldn’t want or expect someone else to do that to let me win at something and I would genuinely take it as an insult to do so.

We’ve been brainstorming ways to support health PvP engagements and have some ideas and we’re open to the discussion.

To get back to the original original discussion point here, I don’t think putting a modest cooldown timer on heal potion usage would be terrible, but I also don’t think it would have a huge impact. It’s already pretty rare that someone spams heal pots in a really short window, and if the cooldown is long enough to come up, it’s A) Going to be a nerf for PvE, and B) Just drive pre-buffing of other potions to regain the advantage in those situations and we’ll be right back here in a couple weeks arguing about whether all buffs should be nerfed in PvP. Open world PvP is not battlegrounds or combat arenas that are intended to be a perfectly balanced match up every time, and even if somehow that was the goal and it was achieved, it’s still going to favor the people who have played more and longer.


Like i’ve said before, you can’t really do much to change anything, it’s the Devs balancing the classes.

Currently I believe you have monopolized the Wilds Chest because of numbers, and when you don’t have numbers you use potions like you said to gain an advantage.

I feel like PvP shouldn’t be a numbers game and there just isn’t enough depth into PvP where 1 person can outplay 2 people. I know this is kind of unreasonable but my kit is literally 3 arrows and I’ve reach like my skill cap to the point where I can hopefully get a lucky arrow with the jumping around and hitboxes not being the best.

TL;DR: Give classes more depth to raise the skill cap so I can outplay people.

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Do you mind going into a little detail on this? Do you genuinely believe Kamina is using some type of cheat to lag you?