New Item: Castnet

So one night Lavawhle and I were talking about a castnet to speed up fishing. The castnet will an given out by fisherman mugan after you catch 10 sunfish, 10 catfish and 8 bass (very easy) after you do that you get a castnet.

Using The Castnet- This can be used at every fishing spot in the game. The first thing you do is equip it to your side (like the rod) next you grab it from both sides and throw it at the little bubbles you see in the water next you pull the rope in and the pulling works the same like the white to red on the rod and you get 10 to 25 of random fish that spawn in the area. it takes 10 to 15 minutes use again. Also you get a chance of 3 to 4 legendary fish that are spawning in the area. plus it does work with fishing pots.


Devs please consider I want fishing to get popular


I really really like this idea

I would love this, it would make casual fishing way easier, just bring your net with you and if you notice a bubbling spot in the water, toss it out and catch a bundle of fish and then let the cooldown start. So many more people would just be able to load up on fish they never planned on fishing before, it would encourage people to sweep past bodies of water while out and about. Fishing quests would be way easier to casually complete as opposed to having to bring out all the right lures and fish scent attractors.

Solid idea, I hope the Devs take a look at this. There would be way more fish on the market for use in making potions, bringing the insane potion prices down a bit, and opening more people up to considering fishing as a real means of income.


I regularly fly through all the zones just hitting harvestables, killing quest mobs, or just to see who’s around, it would be nice to stop every once in a while and toss a net out and be like “Oh snap, 4 frosted perch? Score” and continue on my merry way


I like this idea, but the exact numbers would probably need to be fudged a bit. I’m thinking about how many fish the average fisher can pull in with a rod in ‘x’ minutes (equivalent to the cooldown or something). Otherwise, looks like a cool idea :upside_down_face:

Well we’ve seen Mishka’s video, and I’ve confirmed the numbers myself, you can get about 100 fish per fish scent attractor pot, that’s 20 minutes, that’s a fish every 12 seconds, if the cooldown was 10 minutes, that would be 50 fish per use of the net if it was to compare to fishing rates, 28 fish plus a few legendary actually seems like a fair number considering it’s a bit over half of the possible fishing rate.

seems almost like @Fisherman_g has already done the math with his first estimate.

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There would be a lot to consider for this to be fair.

Right now it takes some planning in order to get the fish you are looking to catch. It’s very similar to fishing in real life. You have to think about what you want to catch and what they bite on. You have to consider where they live and when they are active. I think it would be a disservice to the fishing activity if you can just toss a net and get everything in the area. Why not just toss dynamite and scoop the fish up?

I think it’s a lazy idea and another way for farmers to keep resources to themselves by dominating the field as they do in the Basin.

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I don’t think fish spawn the same way as harvestable I’m probably wrong but I don’t think it could be horded the same way as say crystals or plants

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What is suggested is a way of determining that fish are present ie. bubbles. That would be the same as seeing a resource that is available for harvesting. The system of fishing would have to be altered or added to in order to make a net work.

I see no need to do any of it. Nets would also disrupt fishing missions.

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