One pen for each of us

Dear @Riley_D,

My friends and I would be very happy if we had a pen for drawing in the face of afk players like jigglypuff does.

We have already tried to draw in people’s faces with magic, but that’s not enough.

I hope you can do something for us.

Best regards,

FR LanceA Followship


+500 jigglypuffs for this one

Let me help you

  • jiggly puff?
  • wiggly tuff :frowning:

0 voters

It sounds fun in theory. But this clearly adds another way to mock/bully people… I would love to see this feature in the game if the person first has to accept the drawing in some way before other people see it. Also there is another reason why this would not work. Mainly the same reason why the devs hide runemage drawings of others in the first place. You should be able to guess what I mean -_-

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