Optimal swing patterns warrior

Does anyone have any advice on optimizing warrior swings for efficiency/dps? When I’m doing Wound consistently it usually requires the normal left swing into a full “softball throw” in order to reliably get the upward slash. What I think I’d like to do is almost a figure eight where you bring your arm straight down after the first swing, but it consistently connects with the shield. Has anybody tried any ideas where you put your shield away or is there a position you can hold your shield where this swing doesn’t connect?

I apologize if this thread already exists somewhere, I couldn’t find it searching.

So it’s a bit odd, but because of the shield interrupting my combo input I’ve stared taking a rather comical looking fencing stance when playing warrior (sword facing forward and my shield held either behind my lower back or behind my head). Mostly just trying to keep it far from my sword swipe area until it’s time to block.

I admit it felt weird at first, but having a specific posture to play the class is kind of fun!

Is it still out of the way enough behind your back? I guess as long as you get it to face flat against your back it would probably be fine but does either work better for you specifically?

swing diagonally, sometimes you need to do this even far to the left/right of the type of mob

The shield is completely out of the way if I keep it behind my back. I also keep my right foot forward (I’m right handed) and my left foot back so I guess that adds enough distance to keep the shield away. So really the only thing between me and the mob is my sword.

it’s annoying that when you actually need to check your cool down or health, it gets in th way of a combo or you need to stop swinging just to simply check

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Right handed

I stand with my right foot a bit forward with my shoulders at a 45 degree to the target. My left arm rests on my torso as if it were in a sling so that the shield is about 45 degrees from my chest which makes it 90 degrees from enemy.

When I swing left I try to be as horizontal as possible and let my momentum rotate my hips and since my arm is pinned at the elbow my shield moves out of the way along with my body. In the follow through I let my right arm drop down and rotate to a backhand but instead of coming across, I come straight up. The motion is similar how you would unsheath a sword from a belt on your left hip, except you as you come up you rotate your wrist/forearm to strike out and up.

As that happens I rotate my hips back to the rightand follow through in the reverse manner coming down and around for another left slash across the middle to complete the “figure 8”

TLDR: I try to make a figure 8 as a fluid movement from upper right to bottom left and back. You can build any combo based on that pattern.

When if feels like you are conducting orchestra for a ballet, you are doing it right.


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