Could you put an option to put auto fire when you have the musket. So you don’t have to keep pressing the trigger and wearing out your controller and lessen the risk of aching trigger finger. The auto fire doesn’t interfere with the game mechanics because the shots come out in 2 second intervals anyway
Aching trigger finger? The warriors would like a word with you…
As someone who also specs a musketeer, I’m not sure this is a good idea, might be the WoW auto firing hunter flashbacks talking…
My reasoning is,
I don’t want to see someone accidentally pulling in mobs because they had to adjust they’re headset
Shooting my orbs before I’ve aimed
Since it’s one shot per 2 secs, I want to make it count. Missing because I have bad aim is one thing, missing because the gun has a mind of is own…
For the wearing out of your controller trigger… I’ve been swapping my left/right controllers around when I recharge. May or may not be a good plan, but I feel it’ll make the controllers last longer
Ahhh hunter pulled the Patrol!!! RUN!!!
PS. I was never THAT hunter, shaman ftw!
A part of my wants the trigger to auto fire but another part knows that the trigger pulls cause immersion due to visual, audio, and physical feedback.
I’ve been more worried lately what I suggest for our class. I don’t think we need scopes. Autofire may not be the way to go. The healing orbs already look different enough. In the end I guess I’ll trust the devs to listen and decide what is best.
Thought a little more on this, what about an orb that when loaded, shoots 5-7 times on one trigger pull, not truly an auto fire, but would prevent my WoW ptsd
There’s nothing wrong with suggestions and discussions, but I do agree with Sour, in the end we trust that the devs will decide what is best and what works in the world
since your a musketeer did you ever get past a 50 attack musket i just cant get past that 50 one
Yes, I think my current musket is a 150, I’m level 8
i’ve been using a 199 since level 6
i can’t agree with automatic muskets. every other class has to do legitimate work. in low level areas i was clearing the wargs out of wenderwood while reading my journal. shooting wargs with little more than aiming from the corner of my eye. the hardest thing we musketeers face is low dps because we have the least intense combat model.
one worn out index finger vs archers and warriors swinging their arms for hours on end and mages having to accurately draw the runic alphabet while under duress for every single spell cast. we can deal with trigger fatigue
scott how did you get a 199. Did you get it in the desert
yes, i have a 199 with 59 might. and just got a 316
do you know where you got the drop for each of them
mostly he was in a desert party and killing worms. btw, auto fire = auto pulling mobs for no reason.
big brother is watching? the worms and ifrits for the two 316 muskets, pickles for the cannon with 59 might
as an aside i’m wrothbog in game. does anyone know how to be wrothbog here too?
Wow… I’m level 7 with a level 39 musket… now I know RNG hates me.
Anyone want to help me attack 16 of each monster in the desert. I never see anyone there farming
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