Orbus lore theory - did a god of chaos help us in the citadel raid? (Minor citadel spoilers)

I have recently thought of the idea that the god of chaos, N’shu actually helped us in the citadel raid! Allow me to explain why…
So first some background.
You might be wondering who N’shu is (his name is was only mentioned once so it’s ok if you don’t know him) he his the god of the astral plane and in the citadel raid my running theory is that the first 3 bosses boss arenas are astral pockets in between our realm and whatever realm the boss came from and these astral pockets were made by sephotep himself.
Sooo what does this have to do with a god helping us?
Well N’shu is also known for being the protector of travelers so assuming an astral pocket is just like a small part of the astral plane and considering we would be in his domain he might of decided to help us!
Why help us and not the bosses?
Well if sephotep really did make the astral pockets then possibly the god doesn’t like sephotep doing his job or playing god so he wanted to show him a lesson.
What could this lead to?
Well with the big absence of Ma’at (I’m starting to believe she’s dead) having a more temporary but super cool ally could be well, cool. This could also have us get more introduced to the gods so when we inevitably fight one it doesn’t seem random.
Something I would also like to add is what could happen is normal mode raid is with the help of the god and hard mode is without the help that way all the bosses seem more powerful because only normal mode raids being cannon currently

This is something I kinda just made for the fun of it but it could definitely be something fun to add to the game but what do you think? Do you think a god helped us?
(Also I made this late at night so idk if everything I wrote down makes sense but I’ll read over it again in the morning)


The idea is fun, but it’s got holes.

  • Why would Sephotep make these Astral pockets if they weren’t under her control? It seems counterproductive to put bosses under the direct influence of an opposing God.
  • Why does N’shu’s influence take such strange forms? Assuming N’shu was helping us, it seems like he’s helping in odd ways. Removing sun bombs, making the large crystal easier to light, ect. These are pretty odd changes for a God to make in order to help us. It also begs the question: If N’shu wanted to help us, why didn’t he make us stronger or simply kill the bosses outright?
  • Finally, why do the drops change? If N’shu was trying to assist us in defeating Sephotep, he would want us to be stronger, not deliberately weaker. Why, then, do weaker items drop when he’s helping us? If this is Sephotep’s influence, why isn’t Sephotep directly working against us in a more straightforward way?
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This is a good point, possibly he made the pockets because the bosses need to be still attached to there realm in some way so the only way to have them still in the citadel and with their realm is to make a astral pocket. And sephotep seemed a bit cocky and completely underestimated us so I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought that he was greater then the gods and could keep control of the situation

The reason I believe he didn’t make us stronger is because he protects travelers so it would make more sense for him to do things that make it easier for us to survive and I don’t think he would kill them because it might not of been all that big of a deal to him for him to go out of his way to just kill some stuff himself, but this is a far reach and could easily not be right.

Well if the god made the bosses weaker somehow then the armor that they drop would also be weaker because it’s infused with some of there power (I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that somewhere)

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