Over world maps

I think it would better to have the over world maps and the dlc maps separated so you can get one of each a day. Especially after paying for the dlc it makes it seem a bit redundant to go back there, which doesn’t seem right


? They give different things. Make your choice, there can only be one… per day!

Or just buy more on the auction house. Your choice

I didn’t know it was one per day? sorry the only reason i say that is because yesterday i got 2, one right after the island opened and another around 10pm pst. IDK when the servers reset. and i don’t own the dlc either. I’m a noob so i’m learning lol.

12 am cst.

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Thank you Lance, that would explain the 2 then lol.

Chiming in to agree.

If we’ve purchased our DLC, and have been enjoying its content, the drop limit imposed by this new overworld treasure map pretty much negates the daily bonus that DLC-players have been enjoying, as well as cut out any reason whatsoever for re-visiting the DLC maps once the DLC-stories are complete.

I am officially asking the Developers to reconsider this limit of 1 treasure map crate drop per server day and separate it - 1 dlc crate + 1 overworld crate per day.


I would like to be able to get a dlc and world crated map each day. As they give different things then I can select which one to get if I don’t get both.

Yeahh i haven’t tested it but if it’s the case that you can’t get one from the dlc and one from the overworld it’s really bad then… That should be 1 per day each bc the DLC was a thing we paid for.

The DLC treasure maps where not meant to be forever exclucive, it was stated as a testrun.

I’m really happy that they are not going for a PTW style and only adding a minor difference in what drops as cosmetics/pets.

can you please show me the link on where that is stated ?

Hey everyone, we appreciate the feedback - it wasn’t originally a conscious decision to limit one or the other, more just hooking the new maps into the system we already had, but we understand where you’re coming from. We definitely want players to have a reason to go back to the DLC areas as well.

I spoke to the team today and we’re working on making the drops separated in a patch in the very near future, so you’ll be able to get one MSP and one Overworld map per day.


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