Paladin: No ultimate, No lvl 15 talent, no lvl 30 talent, and nerfed in most fights, and requires a healer, and is worse as a secondary tank

Those are two of them. Ult getting stuck seems to be related to the damage reduction talent associated with it.

-On the quest the shield animation gets stuck in front of you quite often until the next time you activate it.

-books sometimes don’t activate when grabbed, requiring multiple tries.

-Description ad Palladian in compass book is out of date. How they work is mostly just guess work.

-hammer hits have a delay on registering and have a bit of a strange hitbox when throwing. Worst against moving enemies and players.

  • in case of high latency you can fully fill up your orbs without them showing.

The plea talent goes off a bit whenever. The warier activates the charge by holding your hand to the side slightly behind you, but that’s the standard position for the off hand for a paladin. Having it back to razing your off hand would be nice, and making the Light’s Defense trigger activated, making it a bit more exsact.