Patch 13.06- Citadel Hardmode Raid 5/11/2021

So what ur sayin is, burn the boss with bard ultimate, scoundrel damage increase, hunters mark, afflictions

Essentially yeah, the problem is him basically being garunteed to kill people each jump at 25%. You have to use all you got and push through it as fast as possible or you will lose DPS too fast for it to be doable.

Have you tried the boosting part when he reaches 50% or 30%? Just when he gets out of a rage?

you use those boosts on cooldown to ensure max amount of dps. Even so sword raise is 10% and bard is around 20%. Both last 10 seconds or less. Everything else you mention should always be up in a raid if you have those classes.

Uhm stacking every bard damage increase adds up to a 38% increase for a while, and when using a crescendo heal it gives a 10% damage increase for 3 seconds. and ofcourse using the instrument of inspiration prolonges the bard ult, (Mishka covered this in his new bard video I think) also during the ult, using crescendos increases the timer on the ult

If you run 1 musky 1 bard you are most likely not running song sword. As for the inspiration ult im nearly certain they did not make the damage buff get prolonged and it is still broken, I can check but I remember someone saying it does not prolong the buff on other players after using the above combo post patch.

EDIT: Bard ult does lengthen the damage boost on yourself but not others, so if you are actually healing it is useless to inspiration it. Other than that it just increases healing

We are trying to fix the boss in a playable manner; one which people don’t die for the reason of you got him to 25% hp and therefore you now need an insane DPS check. Its clear from this thread that the boss is in fact still in need of a rework/patch based on numerous issues. This killing people guaranteed at 25% hp is just one of those issues

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I completely agree on this part, its like he starts channeling a anime character and starts a combo on everyone.

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Just wanted to follow up on the feedback and say we appreciate it and are looking at doing some further tweaks & fixes on the issues mentioned recently.


The Boss 3 bug with sky cogs still spawning adds when clearing player poison glow bombs is still in.

We think it happens when the player isn’t under soon after the sky cog sun spawns. We had it where a player would run from half the room to get to it and the bomb would clear but the adds would still drop from the pillar of light.

This seemed to be with all the sky suns that a player either just makes it in time or makes it close to the pillar of light beam coming out. (for example: say the sky sun appears for 10 seconds total, after 5 it animates the pillar of light to spawn adds when its finished. if a player makes it in after 4 / 5 seconds it will spawn adds even though its been cleared by the bomb.)

Also another bug that seemed to get worse over attempts, the poison bomb appearing above players heads seemed to slowly get sooner and sooner each attempt. After enough fails on the boss, the bomb would appear immediately at the start of the fight and would make it so you only have 1 chance to clear it before blowing up and wiping the team.

We reset the raid instance and the timing went back to normal for the first try but then the bomb would appear way before the sky suns on the second fight. (It seems the timer doesn’t reset properly between fights?)


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