Patch 5.0: Shard Dungeons (Sprint Three)

The torches in the wenderwood dungeon are now really messed up (both with it sharded and not sharded). The seem to either come out of your elbows when you grab them, or stick straight up out of your forearms, or grip in the middle of the torch shaft halfway down your arm…it’s pretty weird. Nothing major, as they still function and you don’t really need them, but it’s kind of annoying.

Keeping it to after the adjustments - beating soul keeper on T2 seemed to take a lot of time. Definitely doable, but it felt like you’d need to not make any mistakes to beat it on time. (I think it’s because of the increased time for add management) On the other side- skywalk was really easy. The highest we did it at was T4 and it was cake.

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Do you feel like the mutations had anything to do with either of those or was it purely just the dungeon fights themselves?

Some mutations sound way more difficult than others so it definitely helped we didn’t have anything crazy. I think skywalk would always be pretty easy though. We did have aggressive on the soul keeper which did make it a little more important to not let adds build up, thus adding a bit to the length of time. However, even with the difference in mutations there- the gap in difficulty seems pretty large between the two. (And that’s calling the T4 much easier than the T2) Also- we didn’t figure out what some mutations were even doing, so for some of the other fights it’s hard to say.

By the way- Mobile is the best mutation ever. It’s hilarious and I love it.

I think mutations such as aggressive can certainly take a T2-T3 dungeon and put it up to T4 or T5 in terms of what’s needed to complete it.

Ranger gear isn’t fixed for me. Downloaded new patch, shoulders and chest are still flip-flopped, my body is invisible, and I have two sets of shoulderpads visible on my character: one for the Tradu chest in the shoulder slot, one for the new shoulders in the chest slot.

When i equip the Techno chest, my shoulders disappear and i can see the Proto chest over the Techno chest.

Can we expect fellowship chests anytime soon? I have been waiting for that since Beta :slight_smile:


Are you on Beta or regular?

As of this morning we’ve made the following additional changes:

  • The Aggressive Minor mutation’s effectiveness has been reduced significantly.
  • Fixed a bug causing loot chests to appear in mid-air in the Desert Dungeon
  • In the Rainforest Grove (Jungle Dungeon) you now only have to complete 2 bosses total (your choice which ones) to bring it better in line with the time requirements of the other dungeons.

These changes will take effect for all dungeon runs started from this moment forward.



Regular branch, ranger gear is still bugged. If you’re wearing just the shoulders, your torso armor disappears… if you’re wearing both shoulders and torso, both show fine.

Also, not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I think the buffs on the new tradu set should have higher minimums than can roll on the existing sets… I just got an 81/83, which if you’ve already been farming for the previous epic set, and have an even decent roll, is pretty useless

edit: not sure if this was fixed by the patch just released

Okay I’ll keep working on the gear, sorry about that.

Regarding the rolls, that’s a fair point. Taken as an overall picture of how the game is when “complete”, most people would not be stopping at the Tradu Mines base level and grinding long enough to get really good rolls there (because once you have even a basic Epic set, you would be moving straight into Shard Dungeons).

I feel like this is an issue that is going to come back again with Raids though, as well, so we will consider if there is something we want to do about that…maybe some ability to take your existing “better stat” weapon and sacrifice it into your new weapon or something like that to upgrade the stats to some degree. I wouldn’t want you to be able to just instantly have the best roll of the new gear day one, but maybe there’s some method by which you could at least give yourself a bit of a boost or something like that.


I am on the Beta branch, steam client

I like the idea of sacrificing old gear to give a stat improvement to new drops. that could be interesting, and give options to improve gear other than just by breaking down for shards when that mechanic is implemented.

I thought a simpler solution would be to keep the max cap of the roll increasing gradually as planned, but make the min cap increase faster (i.e. pre-tradu epic gear can roll between 80-101, lvl 20.3 can be like 85-102, 20.5 is 90-103, etc.) this is just an example. But maybe there’s something I’m not considering

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Can you comment on whether the new gear is an April’s fool joke or if that is intended?


Shots fired.

Character limit…

I too would like to know. I am not a fan with my helmet which looks like I forced my head inside of a squid. And my legendary bow which is literally 2 alive and moving fish

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Kinda looks like fishermen-raidgear.

If you have constructive feedback we’re always open to it. I happen to like the fish bow, but taste is personal…

Obviously the Ranger gear not working properly is not intended.

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It’s just that a Fish-kebab doesn’t feel “Legendary”.

It’s a funny concept but just doesn’t fit the role.