Patch 5.0: Shard Dungeons (Sprint Three)

@Riley_D So level 6 desert dungeon… Final boss with Last stand is insane… Still in the run now… It’s tough with this gear… Thinking the brick wall is a gear cap… The tick damage from the poison is insanity :smiley:


Hang in there! You can do it @J11

Don’t know if this is known but muting people seems to still not work properly.

on beta or main, and normal muting or personal bubble?

Beta, both normal and personal bubble. Hands gone, voices remain.

So desert Dungeon current mob count needed is every mob except one. We had one bugged mob, if we would have had 2 we would not have been able to complete the run. Also the healers in the Desert dungeon seem to be out of line compared to other mines, they seem much tankyer.

Main branch and normal muting. Didn’t try the bubble though

The desert dungeon needs you to kill 40/41 normal mobs. So if you beat both bosses first try in 5 mins or less, you would have about 20 mins to kill all but one of the mob. Meaning you would have to kill about 1 mob every 30 seconds and that is near impossible with how long it takes to kill the healers.

Did you guys manage rank 6 desert?

We did a rank 5 desert last night. We haven’t gotten a rank 6 desert shard yet.

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Yeah the desert adds were fine before the change, and now it’s tough. On a T5 desert we beat both bases in roughly 15 minutes, and to took us almost the rest of the time to kill the adds. We had about 1 minute left. The reason the adds take so much longer is because around half the mobs are unlisted elites, so they they take much longer to beat, and all of the frog healers that are already healing 5k a second are also elites

yeah its tough. We keep getting tier 5 and tier 6 tradu crypt shards :x:

@Riley_D are these Desert mobs supposed to have Elite unit health? Smells like a bug to me, but idk

I agree. Desert dungeon is now like what Rainforest used to be, a slog fest of trash where almost all the trash has to be killed. Killing enough enemies is already part of the challenge but it shouldn’t be the main focus of shards.

what’s the ETA on level 7?

You should be able to use it already, sorry I should have mentioned that.

bug still going on for me at 10pm est with shard plate and tm shoulders

Just wanted to pop in and say I really like that different tier shards have different colors. Only issue is in order to change the color you have to unequip the current shard before equipping another(you can’t simply replace the shard on your belt with another) t6 shard is a rich blue and t7 is purple. Great way to show off how far you’ve gotten


I was wondering if there is any chance to have bossed in shard dungeons still drop the dyes that they are intended to outside the dungeon, and mabye raise the likelihood of getting dye drops the higher tier shard. I know that at T5 we start getting the ability to get Pure White drops, but i am asking to also add all the old drops as well. With shards out, we are spending most of not all our time climbing up the shards to get the better gear, and it would be a great QoL improvement to continue getting the same dungeon specific dye while doing shards. This would be especially helpful for dyes like the crimson accent, which i have only heard dropped 3 times despite all the kills to finish kill quests in TM, and having better chances to get it while doing shards would be greatly apreciated by all, and still be locked behind a skill gate to whether u even get a chance at the better drop rates


Will the Musketeer Techo Gunner’s Pads be fixed ?

I have had shoulders for a week now and the only thing you can see when in inventory is a blank tile with the number of armor.

Same goes with emerald dye. Blank tile, # showing how many in the stack can be read.