Patch: 5.03 (Server/Client)

A client-side and server-side patch will be going out here in a bit with the following:

  • Fixed the new Legendary Runemage wand being sideways.
  • Fixed an unintended mechanic where you could kite the Mistkeeper boss around a shelf.
  • Fixed already-existing Ranger Tradu Mines equipment where the armor was swapped between the Shoulders and Chest. The total armor between them is staying the same but the values will be swapped next time you log in.
  • Further tuned the trash requirement for the Shard Dungeons, lowering it a bit across the board.

I will let you know when client-side patches are available to download. Thanks!


Server-side patch has now been deployed, client-side patches are available on Oculus and Steam for default branch. Beta should go out in about 15 minutes.



Builds on Beta branches are going out now. Thanks!


My perfect shoulders are gone and my armor is suddenly perfect (but shouldn’t be) but really crappy for armor. Mind fixing it?

If you read up the thread, the shoulders/armor were equipping to the wrong slots previously, so they were fixed. So you have the same pieces of gear, they are just equipping to different slots.

I’m not sure why it changed the armor on your Shoulders but not your Chest though, log out and back in and if that doesn’t fix it let me know and I will fix that manually.

Relog worked. Chest became shoulders and shoulders became chest, correct right?

That’s correct.

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