Patch 5.66: Ancient One World Boss

I was relogging after death to get back into combat as others suggested but by the time walked back to boss he was dead & no drop. Didn’t log last time I died and got a drop. So logging may affect whether you get loot drop or not.

If you logout of the game and then don’t get back to the participation threshold on the boss before it dies, then you will not get loot. Logging out totally erases you from the game and resets you back to 0 in all aspects, including aggro tracking and loot tracking.

Another kill another no chest spawning, no logouts or deaths!

Not sure if it’s my bad luck or not, but I’ve got about 8 capes so far, but didn’t see a single ring :joy:

3 rings zero capes here

If you’re getting loot, then the system is working, it’s just RNG being RNG.

As we’ve said multiple times in this thread already, this boss is not dropping dram every time guaranteed.

yeah, finally got my first ring :smiley: (along with another cape :stuck_out_tongue: ) I wish I could sell these capes or get glimmering shards out of them instead of minor ones

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I know you tuned the HP up for today’s mega raid. Are you planning on scaling the HP back down for smaller raid sizes?

So I actually already turned it back down to where it was supposed to be, I turned it way up originally (which wasn’t doing anything) then realized that the HP setting function wasn’t working at all, fixed that, then turned it back to the original value, which is where it is now.

Generally speaking my assumption is that if you have like 30-40+ people in the Raid you are going to be able to do it just by ignoring most of the mechanics and over-DPS’ing the fight and running back from the graveyard.

If you have more like 20 people then you are probably going to need to do the actual mechanics correctly. And if you have less than 20 people you are going to need to do them perfectly or be overgeared. The tuning is such that 20 people is the intended amount.


I really like the new world boss, had a blast both while figuring out the mechanics and killing it after we had it “on farm”. Here’s some issues i noticed:

  • The world boss is actually named “World Boss”
  • The journal doesn’t track the new world boss kills
  • The AoE sometimes is invisible
  • The boss’ model often doesn’t match its actual position (just like the corrupted stags), many times you’ll see it outside the AoE or not at the center, while the hitbox is always at the center of it.
  • A couple times i dodged the AoE and died outside, but i guess it was just lag due to many people there because my grave was inside the aoe even if my ghost was outside.

EDIT: Are the Elongata and Sanyael rings supposed to be useless now? I think it would make more sense if one had full dps stats, one full vitality and one an hybrid so all the 3 are valid options. Right now the options are crit vs wisdom, and both from the new world boss because they have way better stats than the old rings.


I do agree in part with you, Elongata rings are history but Sanyael rings are still nice for warriors in my opinion. The new wisdom ring is a no brainer on musket for me, those sweet sweet ults.


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