Player in my House

I do not know how this is even could happen… I teleport ed to my house and found this. I really hope this is just a random bug.


Wow learn to lock your door!


How do you know you aren’t in his house…

Seriously though, was he moving around or standing still?


No it looked like a clone, but how the hell did it get in my house.

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Double check your chests :joy:

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If I found some random person in my Orbus home, I would probably start screaming. After I heard this happened to Pin, I teleported home and crept around my house slowly, checking every corner, including in the basement.


Creepy story in one sentence:

I teleported into my Orbus house, saw a character standing inside, and then I heard someone in my real house say “turn around.”


Scary story in one sentence part two:

Alone in your apartment you are playing Orbus and kill a spirit with your musket - and then your headset dies as you hear “now it is my turn.”

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now you are just getting creepy lol

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I wanted to come up with a third scary Orbus-related story but couldn’t think of one. So instead, I thought I would share the creepiest two sentence scary story I read on a site:

You hear your mom calling you into the kitchen. As you are heading down the stairs you hear a whisper from the closet saying “Don’t go down there honey, I heard it too.”

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And suddenly Winnie Poo jumps out of the closet and starts chasing you as you are a jar of honey.

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We’ll look into what could have caused this to happen. If anyone else somehow gets this too, please let us know!

So this is not actually someone else in your house, it’s a “pooled” prefab of another player that for some reason didn’t get disposed of correctly when you switched scenes. I will look into fixing that but just wanted to be clear it’s not actually someone in your house.

Good to know, thank you

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