Please keep a rolling 5-10 log Backup for When we Crash/Have Issues and have to Relog

Most of the time we can never send you meaningful logs because when a crash happens during a raid you don’t have time to get that log backed up. You are panicking to get back in and get back to healing/tanking/dpsing ect. It only makes sense for you to have a rolling backup of logs in a folder or the root that we can send to you when we have issues. I think this is one of the few ways you can really increase your data collection for trouble shooting with the user base. Please consider something along these lines in the future.


Yeah I think this would be a great thing to do, luckily tonight when I desynced it was just after someone crashed and krunk was already saying about having it like this so I saved my log to the desktop, I’ll send it tomorrow

I sent logs of the desync on Sunday, not heard anything back @Riley_D are desync logs useful at all or should I go back to not bothering sending them?

So basically with the logs, unless it’s someone with an urgent issue (e.g. “I can’t get in the game at all help me!”) I just collect them and then when I have a decent number and I am ready to tackle and issue I go back through them all and look for common patterns to hopefully help figure out what’s going on. So yes sending them does help.

I am working on a new automated system for the Reborn client, as the logs are now stored in a different place due to the newer Unity version.


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