Pre-Reborn Achevement capes

Okay so we know there are 2 capes that we will be able to unlocked before Reborn comes out which are Master Hunter Cape and Cape of Completion and while we don’t know how they are unlocked yet I’d just like to throw this out there in case this isn’t how they are unlocked and maybe something that could be considered if these capes aren’t for this

Could we get a cape for having level 20 in all classes before the expansion comes out kinda as a prestigious thing like the super leveler cape from beta (maybe a slightly different looking one if 20 in all combat classes and 20 fishing as well)

According to steam achievements there is 0.1% of people with all 4 classes at level 20 however it’s probably more than that when you consider Oculus player base too, I think if you gave enough warning some people would put in the extra effort to finish levelling up their alt classes to get it, and some of those with 20 on all combat classes would probably put a bit more time into fishing to finish that off as I know there are a few that are close to that, it could give some people stuff to do while waiting for the expansion


I’d guess finishing all quests and maxing out classes would be at least two of the requirements for the Cape of Completion

I’d hope so too, but ya never know :yum:

Maybe make one of every potion/tile?

If we’re going down the true completion rabbit hole, there a number of things that could be on the list:

  • Max all classes (fishing included)
  • Complete all quests
  • Make one of each potion and tile, or make at least x potions
  • Collect x (at least 1) of each fish, or reach a specific total weight
  • Collect at least x total harvestables
  • Unlock all available armor/cape skins
  • Beat all world bosses
  • Clear all raid levels
  • Defend the realm achievements
  • Completing the journal (maps, recipes, spell, etc.)

and probably more. I recall back in the day when Runescape release competionist stuff, there were some crazy requirements for certain skills and minigames that sometimes took hundreds of hours each. Just depends on how much time commitment Riley intends for it since the game isn’t continuing with it available post Q1 2019.

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I loved getting my comp cape on runescape!

You missed finding all journal pages (which would include getting one of each fish caught)

Is there a list anywhere of all current capes and how to get them? I can’t find one

Was working on a cape showcase for the community including screenshots but ended up deprioritizing it to focus on other things. This is missing some details like expert and hard mode raid capes, but I believe it should cover most of the capes. Devs, please let me know if this is considered too spoilery and I’ll remove.

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