Private battleground matches

Something that I’ve been thinking about for some time is private battleground matches. In normal pvp battlegrounds, most people try-hard it, and I think it would be great to be able to make private battlegrounds matches where everyone can just have fun. I’d be fine with it not counting towards Marlowe missions, it would just be a place for people to have fun and do things like warrior pvp.


honestly i think this would be a great idea. even if it counted towards Marlowe’s missions, but didn’t count towards your PvP score (which i think would make more sense, personally). i think being able to do 2v2 and 3v3 matches would be fun in private arenas

maybe similar to how there is an “enter citadel” button, where you don’t necessarily have to queue but can go in with a party. or similar to how you can enter any dungeon with a party. the only thing i don’t have an idea for is how you’d divide into teams once you’re in this hypothetical private arena :thinking:

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